Si vis pacem parabellum If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong We can thank public education for American gullibility... When did individualism and self reliance come to depend on the government? "A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." Capital punishment means never having to say, "You again?" Liberals Use Guilt As Moral Weapon Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Bob Costas is a piece of shit...
Dear Bob Costas,
It is with much regret that I am writing you this letter. Because of the tragedy that came out of your mouth last night, I feel as a responsible citizen that if you had not had the opportunity to have a bully pulpit unchecked, the tragedy that inappropriately came from your mouth would not have happened.
Until last night, I had no idea who you were. Probably by good reason, as I don't congregate, follow, or pay attention to folks who don't fully understand the implications of the God given rights they have.
But because of your reckless comments that alarmed and caused hysteria to so many, I am writing my Congressman as we speak to introduce legislation to prevent further tragedies like the one that came from your mouth last night. I fully understand that you will respect my view that the First Amendment needs "reasonable restrictions" because of reckless people.
First I am proposing a 14 day waiting period for all televised comments at a fee of $25 per comment. (It covers the administrative costs of the FBI check that will be performed on you while you wait, you understand it has to be for the greater good.) During these 14 days, the FBI will perform a background check on you to see if you have a history of making stupid comments. If you do have a history, your transaction will be denied for the greater good.
Second, the legislation will limit televised comments to one per month, by permit only. You and your liberal cronies seem to truly believe in the "one a month" scheme, so I figure "for the children" we need to limit televised stupid comments to one per month. And did I mention you need to purchase a permit prior? Yep, it is easy, really. All you need to do is go to anyone on the list to be "comment instructors" to receive common sense training in how to speak publicly without making an ass of yourself. Much of the 8 hours of training you will receive will be in safe speech. How to safely speak in the home. How to protect your children, and the children of those who visit your home from idiotic comments. The cost of this training will be no more than $75. In 21 days after your training, you will receive a certificate that you have been safely trained. You will then have to take it to your local Sheriff's department. There you will have to pay an additions $65 ($5 for the fingerprinting, $20 payable to the Sheriff, and $40 payable to the department of the State Police for your background check.). After you are fingerprinted, the department of the State Police has 60 to decide whether you should have the right to say dumb ass things. They then return it to the Sheriff, who makes the final decision on a "May Issue" basis. Note- In urban areas, some Sheriff's will only issue the permit to say really dumb things to political contributors, and friends. So keep that in mind, as it may cost you a donation as well.
Next, comes the restriction of really stupid things over 10 words. 10 is the magic number to you and your liberal fish wrap buddies, because we all know comments of 30 words and over can do a lot of damage in a hurry. 10 is much safer. So, whatever dumb ass thing you think in your little brain is so appropriate, you'll need to restrict it to 10 words or less. I hope you understand that it is for the greater good, and to be honest, the is no purpose for comments over 10 words. None.
Lastly, the damage that "Assault speak" does can't be denied. So, we are proposing that if you are going to say things inappropriate and abrasive, you can only possess two of the following characteristics- You can't be washed up from whatever by more than 3 years, you can't possess a bad comb over, you can't possess or be a legal user of Just for Men, You can't possess those air traffic controller type head sets, you can't possess the screen over lay drawing board, or any other restrictions to sponsorship of greater than 10 sponsors. I hope you understand it is for the greater good.
In closing, I fully understand now that you don't grasp the God given rights given to you by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I got it. Check. Loud and Clear, Mr. Costas. The sad thing is because a few people can't use the First Amendment properly, everyone should suffer the loss of liberty. Ain't that right?
I know in 3 days to a week, you'll offer up some lame attempt at an "apology" saying that you "misspoke" or that you are truly "sorry for the bad timing of your insensitive comments" or some such horse crap. Truth of the matter is that you'll do this because the American people will hold your sponsors accountable for your comments, and in attempts to smooth it over, you'll offer up this half hearted effort to pretend you are sorry. The only thing in reality that you are sorry for is that you will be called on the carpet.
The only way to prevent this type of recklessness from being televised is to put into law the restrictions above to the First Amendment. It is for the children, right? I mean the Founders never took into account the internet, television or radio when they drafted the First Amendment, right?
I mean, only a bigot would hide behind one Amendment, while calling for restrictions to another. Isn't that right?
It is for the children, really.
With regards,
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