Meet the leeches « RED STATE WITCH
- Wiccapundit
When you argue with liberals about people mooching off the system and draining the productive wealth of this country, you usually get a response like: “well, that’s just an apocryphal story”, or “you can’t rely on unsourced anecdotes to prove your point.”
Really? Here’s two rock-solid, sourced examples:
The first is a copy of a receipt from a grocery store for five 24-packs of Mountain Dew, a half-dozen cold-water lobsters, and two Porterhouse steaks. Total: $141.78, paid for with FOOD STAMPS.
I mean, seriously? Who drinks Mountain Dew with steak and lobster?
Snopes verified it, and yes, it’s true, because the guy who bought the stuff has been arraigned in criminal court in Menominee, Michigan for trying to sell it. Yes, it’s apparently legal to buy these kinds of comestibles with money obtained from the public tit; you just can’t turn around and sell them. Jeez, heartless conservatives trying to keep a man down for doin’ a little arbitrage action?
But as the Democrats whine, “we can’t allow draconian Republican cuts of even a penny from these absolutely necessary social safety-net programs.”
The second takes a few minutes to watch. Watch it. This is the face of the blood-sucking parasite attached to your ass, exsanguinating you as you slave away at an actual … what do they call it? Oh yeah, a job.