SWEDEN: Muslim savages brutally beat 87-year-old woman trying to stop them from abusing a puppy
The 87-year-old confronted a (Muslim) immigrant gang of five that was assaulting a helpless puppy outside a grocery store. The gang then turned their attention to her, beating her to the ground, where they brutally kicked and punched her until she started bleeding from her private parts.
hd.se (h/T Maritha B) The sadistic attack is now sending chock-waves through the once-idyllic small town of Helsingborg, southern Sweden.
The woman, who was discovered in her home several days after the attack with heavy bleedings from her genitals, says in an interview with Swedish Radio that she ‘couldn’t help but ask them to stop – maybe it was stupid of me but I just couldn’t stand watching them torture a small animal’.
On November 12, she was just on her way to the local grocery store in central Helsingborg to buy coffee when she was confronted with the horrific scene. ‘When I went outside I heard something howling just like a small child crying. I continued a few steps and saw a few men standing in front of me. I realized that they were beating a small dog, a black one with a white chest.’
As the 87-year-old grandmother asked the men, who were ‘speaking a language that she couldn’t understand’, to stop what they were doing and told them that ‘they should be ashamed of themselves’, they immediately responded by knocking her down to the ground.
‘One of them came up to me and hit me on the right side of of my head and I fell to the ground. One of the others forced my legs down and then they started kicking me while I was lying down.’ The gang focused most of their kicks on the 87-year-old’s lower abdomen and private parts. ‘I thought they were going to break my legs because they were bending them apart while kicking straight ahead.’
In an eerily similar case in Gothenburg in March this year, a 61-year-old pensioner was beaten so savagely that he fell into a coma. His crime? Trying to protect his dog from being harassed by an immigrant gang outside a supermarket in Kortedala.
DOG JIHAD? Multiple dog poisonings like this one in Spain are on the rise in communities throughout Europe wherever there is a large Muslim immigrant population