Si vis pacem parabellum If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong We can thank public education for American gullibility... When did individualism and self reliance come to depend on the government? "A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." Capital punishment means never having to say, "You again?" Liberals Use Guilt As Moral Weapon Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Obama Won Because Of Voter Fraud All Over
Did voter fraud swing the election?
Did voter fraud swing the election?
Contrary to popular opinion, I am not a “conspiracy theorist.”
I live in the real world – always have. I've been a journalist who goes where the facts lead him all my life – unlike most of my colleagues whose “facts” are predetermined by their ideology.
I understand Barack Obama and Bill Ayers because I was one of them early in my life. I even met Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda in the old days. I admired them. If Obama had been old enough during the 1960s and 1970s, I probably would have run into him, too.
If anyone has a balanced approach to the realities of political life in America, it’s me. I've looked at life from both sides. I know the arguments of the other side and can still spout them before most of today’s practitioners of so-called “progressive” thought can.
I also know that the reigning ethos of this movement represented so ably today by Obama is this: “By any means necessary …” It was first articulated by Jean Paul Sartre in his play, “Dirty Hands.” But it became popularized as a slogan of the revolutionary left by Malcolm X.
What it means, in short, is that the ends justify the means. It means violence is fine in achieving a worthwhile objective. It means lying, stealing, cheating and all those other bourgeoisie “sins” are appropriate means of furthering the cause.
Is there any doubt in your mind today that this is now the reigning ethos of the Democratic Party and its various tentacles and allies?
There is no doubt in my mind.
And that’s why stealing the vote is not only an acceptable practice by these people, it is a moral imperative in their twisted worldview.
Am I suggesting that the recent presidential election was stolen through voter fraud and manipulation?
Without a doubt.
Do I have evidence?
Yes, I have plenty of anecdotal evidence to show that it was committed by one side in the election in various ways. And I am convinced that at least 5 percent of the Democratic vote can be attributed to fraud – illegal voters, illegal campaign contributions, rigged balloting, intimidation at the polls, you name it.
Here’s just some of the evidence for the skeptical:
- In September, the Columbus Dispatch in Ohio reported this sad and ugly news: “More than one out of every five registered Ohio voters is probably ineligible to vote. In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting-age population: Northwestern Ohio’s Wood County shows 109 registered voters for every 100 eligible, while in Lawrence County along the Ohio River it’s a mere 104 registered per 100 eligible. Another 31 counties show registrations at more than 90 percent of those eligible, a rate regarded as unrealistic by most voting experts. The national average is a little more than 70 percent. In a close presidential election where every vote might count, which ones to count might become paramount on Election Day – and in possible legal battles afterward.” The Dispatch asked Ohio’s chief elections official, Secretary of State Jon Husted, what could be done about this problem. His answer? Not enough. Nine months ago, he asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for a personal meeting to discuss how to balance seemingly conflicting federal laws so he could pare Ohio’s dirty voter list without removing truly eligible voters. Holder’s office never even bothered to reply – to either Husted or the newspaper. What does that tell you? It tells me voter fraud is and was an important tactic in re-electing Holder’s boss and Democrats throughout the country. Anyway, we all know how Ohio voted.
- How about Michigan – Romney’s home state? How did Obama win such a resounding victory when the polls showed the two candidates in a virtual tie? And how is it that Obama won by 9 points while Democrats suffered a string of defeats down the entire state ballot? For instance, Republicans maintained control of both the state House and the Supreme Court, while Democrats lost three ballot propositions.
- Then, of course, there is the fine work of James O’Keefe and Project Veritas, which demonstrated, over and over again on camera, the willingness and ability of Democratic operatives to cheat and commit fraud to win elections.
- How about WND’s own investigation in which it demonstrated conclusively that the Obama campaign welcomed foreign contributions by intentionally leaving vulnerabilities in its web donation page that allowed even those using bogus names, disposable credit cards and foreign IP addresses to donate cash? The classic example was when WND staffers did just this using the name Osama bin Laden, listing his occupation as “deceased terrorist” and employer as “al-Qaida.” The contributions were accepted by the Team Obama, just as it accepted foreign contributions from the Palestinian Authority in 2008, as WND’s Aaron Klein demonstrated.
How much evidence does one need to be convinced? This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Did it make a difference in this close race?
Without question.
Is there anything we can do about it now?
Not likely.
But if we want to ensure that America has free and fair elections in the future, we better get to work. America’s political system is becoming a thugocracy.
I’m fighting back.
I’m challenging the Obama campaign on the acceptance of those illegal donations. I’ve filed a Federal Elections Commission complaint at considerable cost. I have no illusions that it will be easy to challenge a sitting president within his own bureaucracy. But I’m doing it. Meanwhile, some in the press would prefer that I be charged with voter fraud for efforts to expose the system. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the Democrat machine tries something like that.
We’re fighting to preserve America’s freedom here – nothing less.
We’re fighting to preserve the concept of representative government – elections that actually mean something.
We’re fighting to expose what no other news agency in the world apparently has an interest in exposing – the dark underbelly of corruption, fraud and abuse in our political system.
We Were Warned 2,000 Years Ago
We Were Warned 2,000 Years Ago
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
26 Obama Crimes
26 Obama Crimes
- Convicted felon and Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko’s purchase of land
- adjacent to Obama’s house in Hyde Park, IL. In 2006, Rezko sold a 10 foot strip of his property to Obama for $104,500, rendering the remainder of Rezko’s $625,000 investment too small to be developed and, for all intents & purposes, worthless.
- The provision of the Obama campaign donor lists to ACORN in 2007 and 2008, more complete lists than the ones he provided to the FEC. ACORN used the lists to illegally raise money for Obama’s election from donors who had already maxed out their legally allowable contributions.
- Widespread voter fraud including voter intimidation, ballot stuffing, falsified documents, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton supporters committed by the Obama campaign and ACORN during the 2008 Democrat primary election. For more information see my CFP article How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination.
- Obama’s refusal to release his long form birth certificate which would show conclusively that he is a dual citizen and therefore not constitutionally eligible to serve as President. Obama’s college records, which have also not been released, would also contain information regarding his dual citizenship status.
- Protecting union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders during bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions of dollars in losses in direct violation of bankruptcy laws, money to which they were legally entitled.
- Preferential treatment given to minority and women owned car dealerships by Obama administration officials as part of the auto industry bailout program and the forced closing of a disproportionate number of rural dealerships located in areas that did not vote for Obama.
- Unsubstantiated firing of Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin for exposing Sacramento Mayor and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson’s misuse of an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant.
- Purchase of Congressional support for the passage of Obama’s healthcare bill including the “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and having the Department of Interior increase water allocations to the Central Valley of California to secure the votes of Democrat Reps. Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa.
- Lying to the American people by promising they could keep their healthcare coverage if they wanted to, when in reality tens of millions will be forced out of their current plans.
- Attempted bribery of Rep. Joe Sestak with job offers to get him to drop out of the Senate primary race against Sen. Arlen Specter.
- Directing the EPA to unilaterally set carbon emission standards, thus bypassing Congress which opposes Obama’s energy reform bill. For more information see my CFP article Forget Cap and Trade: EPA Regulation of CO2 Emissions Will Begin in 10 Months.
- The Obama administration’s statement that a panel of experts had agreed with their plan for a 6 month Gulf Coast drilling moratorium, when in actuality none of them had supported the measure.
- Bullying BP to set up a $20 billion slush fund to compensate Gulf Coast businesses and residents affected by the oil spill, to be administered by an Obama political appointee without any judicial or congressional oversight.
- Implementing a third oil-drilling moratorium after the first two were thrown out of court, creating a de facto Gulf Coast offshore drilling ban in opposition to two judge’s rulings.
- Establishment of a commission to investigate the Gulf Coast oil spill that contains not one oil industry expert and whose transparent purpose is to push a partisan political agenda rather than investigate the cause of the disaster.
- Obama’s policy of intentionally not securing our nation’s borders, in opposition to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution which calls for the President to protect states from foreign invasion, in an attempt to blackmail Republican support for comprehensive immigration reform. In essence, Obama is holding border states and residents politically hostage during a time they are being overrun by a narco-paramilitary invasion.
- Department of Justice illegal race based policies regarding voter fraud as exposed by former Justice attorney J. Christian Adams. This includes the dropping of voter intimidation charges against 2 Black Panthers brandishing weapons in front of a voting location in Philadelphia and the stated intention by political appointees to ignore voter crimes committed by African Americans, Latinos and other minorities.
- Department of Justice purposefully allowing some states to continue their disenfranchisement of military personnel serving overseas in direct opposition to the 2009 Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act, which was established in response to the more than 17,000 military votes that were not counted in the 2008 election because ballots had arrived after the deadline.
- Recess appointment of Donald Berwick as head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services without even a token attempt to put him through the Congressional nomination process, signaling that Congress’s constitutional obligation to vet presidential appointees means nothing to Obama. The same can be said of the 30+ Obama administration czars.
- Spending $23 million of taxpayer money through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to support a constitutional referendum in Kenya in spite of the Siljander Amendment, which makes it illegal for the U.S. to lobby for abortion in other countries. The Kenyan referendum was partially written by Planned Parenthood and is designed to legalize abortion in that nation.
- The participation of the Obama administration in the firing of Sherry Sherrod from the USDA without due process because of publicized out of context remarks she made at a NAACP meeting in March 2010.
- The White House sham investigation of BP’s involvement in the release of the mass murderingLockerbie bomber from prison. The Obama administration not only knew beforehand of the Scottish government’s plan to set Abdel Baset al-Megrahi free on “compassionate” grounds, they even sent a letter to Scottish authorities stating their preference for his remaining in Scotland over his transfer to a Libyan prison.
- The canceling of 77 properly filed oil field development contracts approved by the Bush administration by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, preventing the extraction of up to 3 trillion gallons of oil buried under Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and North Dakota, more than enough to end our dependence on foreign oil and supply the U.S. with its energy needs for hundreds of years at current consumption rates.
- Investigations by the Department of Homeland Security to determine the political affiliation of people making Freedom of Information Act requests and the subsequent delay and even altogether ignoring of requests made by Republican affiliated individuals.
Impeach Obama for Criminal Complicity
A qualitative shift has occurred with the revelations that the Obama Administration had at least 48 hours advanced notice that an attack was likely to occur on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. Obama is now criminally complicit in the murders of a U.S. Ambassador and three other U.S. citizens serving in Libya. This has gone way past the issue of Obama being a natural born citizen. It's now about the multiple high crimes and misdemeanors committed by the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and how he may be brought to justice. Putting aside the issue of Obama's eligibility as a natural born citizen to hold office, there are a significant number of wrong doings he has committed that would allow any peace officer desiring so, to issue a warrant for Obama's arrest.
1.Impeach Obama for Criminal Complicity
2.Arrest of Barack Hussein Obama -- Petition2Congress
26 Obama Crimes
1.Convicted felon and Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko's purchase of land
2.adjacent to Obama's house in Hyde Park, IL. In 2006, Rezko sold a 10 foot strip of his property to Obama for $104,500, rendering the remainder of Rezko's $625,000 investment too small to be developed and, for all intents & purposes, worthless.
3.The provision of the Obama campaign donor lists to ACORN in 2007 and 2008, more complete lists than the ones he provided to the FEC. ACORN used the lists to illegally raise money for Obama's election from donors who had already maxed out their legally allowable contributions.
4.Widespread voter fraud including voter intimidation, ballot stuffing, falsified documents, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton supporters committed by the Obama campaign and ACORN during the 2008 Democrat primary election. For more information see my CFP article How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination.
5.Obama's refusal to release his long form birth certificate which would show conclusively that he is a dual citizen and therefore not constitutionally eligible to serve as President. Obama's college records, which have also not been released, would also contain information regarding his dual citizenship status.
6.Protecting union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders during bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions of dollars in losses in direct violation of bankruptcy laws, money to which they were legally entitled.
7.Preferential treatment given to minority and women owned car dealerships by Obama administration officials as part of the auto industry bailout program and the forced closing of a disproportionate number of rural dealerships located in areas that did not vote for Obama.
8.Unsubstantiated firing of Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin for exposing Sacramento Mayor and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson's misuse of an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant.
9.Purchase of Congressional support for the passage of Obama's healthcare bill including the "Cornhusker Kickback", "Louisiana Purchase" and having the Department of Interior increase water allocations to the Central Valley of California to secure the votes of Democrat Reps. Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa.
10.Lying to the American people by promising they could keep their healthcare coverage if they wanted to, when in reality tens of millions will be forced out of their current plans.
To read 16 more criminal offences visit :http://politicalvelcraft.org/2012/09/24/united-states-sheriffs-may-legally-fi...
[scroll to mid page]
For more information visit http://larouchepac.com/
1.Impeach Obama for Criminal Complicity
2.Arrest of Barack Hussein Obama -- Petition2Congress
26 Obama Crimes
1.Convicted felon and Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko's purchase of land
2.adjacent to Obama's house in Hyde Park, IL. In 2006, Rezko sold a 10 foot strip of his property to Obama for $104,500, rendering the remainder of Rezko's $625,000 investment too small to be developed and, for all intents & purposes, worthless.
3.The provision of the Obama campaign donor lists to ACORN in 2007 and 2008, more complete lists than the ones he provided to the FEC. ACORN used the lists to illegally raise money for Obama's election from donors who had already maxed out their legally allowable contributions.
4.Widespread voter fraud including voter intimidation, ballot stuffing, falsified documents, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton supporters committed by the Obama campaign and ACORN during the 2008 Democrat primary election. For more information see my CFP article How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination.
5.Obama's refusal to release his long form birth certificate which would show conclusively that he is a dual citizen and therefore not constitutionally eligible to serve as President. Obama's college records, which have also not been released, would also contain information regarding his dual citizenship status.
6.Protecting union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders during bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions of dollars in losses in direct violation of bankruptcy laws, money to which they were legally entitled.
7.Preferential treatment given to minority and women owned car dealerships by Obama administration officials as part of the auto industry bailout program and the forced closing of a disproportionate number of rural dealerships located in areas that did not vote for Obama.
8.Unsubstantiated firing of Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin for exposing Sacramento Mayor and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson's misuse of an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant.
9.Purchase of Congressional support for the passage of Obama's healthcare bill including the "Cornhusker Kickback", "Louisiana Purchase" and having the Department of Interior increase water allocations to the Central Valley of California to secure the votes of Democrat Reps. Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa.
10.Lying to the American people by promising they could keep their healthcare coverage if they wanted to, when in reality tens of millions will be forced out of their current plans.
To read 16 more criminal offences visit :http://politicalvelcraft.org/2012/09/24/united-states-sheriffs-may-legally-fi...
[scroll to mid page]
For more information visit http://larouchepac.com/
WHY ARE THEY KEEPING THE MILITARY VOTE UNCOUNTED IN COL. ALLEN WEST'S RACE FOR CONGRESS - A HORRENDOUS act is being perpetrated by LIberals in the FL-18 Congressional race where American hero Col. Allen West is in a fight with ultra Liberal Patrick Murphy. Over 8,000 military ballots are not being counted by the Democrat who is head of elections in the district. And...she refused to allow any observers to watch when the ballots were inspected. WHY WON'T THE WILL OF OUR TROOPS BE COUNTED! Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher (an ultra liberal partisan Democrat) refuses to let anyone observe what is happening with these votes, which will of course go overwhelming to Col. West, a man who fought for America's freedom instead of to a Liberal who refused to stand up and fight for his country. THIS NEEDS TO STOP AND THE VOTES COUNTED....also, if any of you are in Riviera Beach, FL, or nearby, Col. West needs volunteers ASAP. Where you can go to help? This is where you can go to help Col. West. They need people there to help asap, and food and water.
7865 Central Industrial Dr. Riviera Beach
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=491970257503939& set=a.146147255419576.22637.10 3594823008153&type=1&theater
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