Another Benefit for Illegals Even Vets Don’t Get
Would you spend your hard earned money on dental care for illegal immigrants? Barack Obama already is! Dear B.A.N. Supporters, Were you as angry as I was when a senior Democrat strategist and consultant attacked Ann Romney, saying stay-at-home mothers could never understand the economy because they didn’t work? Were you shocked Barack Obama’s response wasn’t an apology to American women or mothers, who work harder than anyone, but to simply say family was off-limits in his campaign. Why does he think it’s always about him? Well, prepare yourself to be “steaming mad” yet again, because what I’m about to tell you is serious business we must address! Mr. Obama’s latest insult to all of us is this: his decision to offer free dental care to criminal illegal aliens awaiting deportation, through ICE, and paid for by OUR tax dollars. STAND WITH BAN TODAY Stop YOUR Tax-Dollars from Going to Benefits for Illegal Aliens According to ICE, the agency now “provides quality medical care” to criminal illegal aliens, free of charge, including dental care. Consider this: U.S. veterans are NOT provided free dental care, and they risked their lives for our nation. And neither seniors nor low income families are not offered free dental care, either. Yet they are U.S. citizens, are eligible to vote, and pay taxes. Is this an Election-Year stunt? Is this yet another “vote for Obama” handout prior to another mass-effort to get illegals to the polls, as we saw happen in 2010 and we believe occurred in 2008? Or is this just another example of policy by an administration that is so out of touch with what’s going on in America that it no longer puts any Americans first? STAND WITH BAN TODAY Stop YOUR Tax-Dollars from Going to Benefits for Illegal Aliens Whatever Mr. Obama’s motives, it can’t be allowed to stand. If you don’t want YOUR tax dollars spent bleaching the teeth of criminal illegal aliens who should be deported, not put up in a government run resort with free entertainment, free sports and now free health care, pleasejoin me today! Your support of and our public policy efforts helps stop injustices like these. Twice already we have been instrumental in defeating the so-called Dream Act amnesty. And both Congress and the White House know that when we act, we mean business. So please, join me today and help us get the word out to stop our tax-dollars from being spent on more outrageous benefits for criminal illegal aliens. With your support, this is one injustice we can end! For America, Sen. Russell Pearce Chairman P.S. We must work together to keep our tax dollars from going to benefits for criminal illegal aliens and vote buying. Please join me today. |

Si vis pacem parabellum If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong We can thank public education for American gullibility... When did individualism and self reliance come to depend on the government? "A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." Capital punishment means never having to say, "You again?" Liberals Use Guilt As Moral Weapon Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Another Benefit for Illegals Even Vets Don’t Get
Recently, while I was working in the flower beds in the front yard, my neighbors stopped to chat as they returned home from walking their dog.
During our friendly conversation, I asked their little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up.
She said she wanted to be President some day.
Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, "If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?"
She replied... "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people."
Her parents beamed with pride!
"Wow...what a worthy goal!" I said. "But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that!" I told her.
"What do you mean?" she replied.
So I told her, "You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and trim my hedge, and I'll pay you $50. Then you can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house."
She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?"
I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."
Her parents aren't speaking to me
During our friendly conversation, I asked their little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up.
She said she wanted to be President some day.
Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, "If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?"
She replied... "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people."
Her parents beamed with pride!
"Wow...what a worthy goal!" I said. "But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that!" I told her.
"What do you mean?" she replied.
So I told her, "You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and trim my hedge, and I'll pay you $50. Then you can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house."
She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?"
I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."
Her parents aren't speaking to me
This is it in a nutshell...!
Tawas City is on Lake Huron in Northern Michigan, just opposite the "thumb of the Michigan mitten." It has a population of just over 2,000 people. Just a "Letter to the Editor" of a small Michigan newspaper... short and VERY to the point. This is gaining national attention:
A story for what ever you make of it.
You can't make this stuff up. Read the NY Times Oct 13, 2011 to verify ownership.
Do you know the park in NYC that the Wall Street protesters occupied?
It's Zuccotti Park .
Did you know this park is NOT owned by the city of New York ?
It's owned by Brookfield Properties.
Brookfield Asset Management received an Obama Department of Energy Loan guarantee of over $160 million within 10 days of approving the take over of the Park.
Brookfield is a Canadian company with assets of 70 billion. Google it It's all on their website - and WHY is the US Taxpayer guaranteeing a loan to a VERY wealthy Canadian company?!?!
Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney?
Vice President Joe Biden's son.
Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties?
NYC Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend.
Now, guess what company just received some of the last of the Obama Stimulus $$$$.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, Brookfield Properties. (a Canadian Corp)
Isn't life great in America !
Now, guess what, on a completely unrelated note? Wisconsin is shaping up to be the swing state in the 2012 presidential elections. Not Florida . Not Ohio . But Wisconsin .
Now, guess who owns the company that will be tabulating all the electronic votes in Wisconsin .
Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, the biggest contributor to Obama, the puppeteer George Soros. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat a coincidence!
And now for your quick refresher in World History :
Remember what Stalin said. "He who votes does not have the power.
He who counts the votes has the power".
Do you know the park in NYC that the Wall Street protesters occupied?
It's Zuccotti Park .
Did you know this park is NOT owned by the city of New York ?
It's owned by Brookfield Properties.
Brookfield Asset Management received an Obama Department of Energy Loan guarantee of over $160 million within 10 days of approving the take over of the Park.
Brookfield is a Canadian company with assets of 70 billion. Google it It's all on their website - and WHY is the US Taxpayer guaranteeing a loan to a VERY wealthy Canadian company?!?!
Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney?
Vice President Joe Biden's son.
Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties?
NYC Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend.
Now, guess what company just received some of the last of the Obama Stimulus $$$$.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, Brookfield Properties. (a Canadian Corp)
Isn't life great in America !
Now, guess what, on a completely unrelated note? Wisconsin is shaping up to be the swing state in the 2012 presidential elections. Not Florida . Not Ohio . But Wisconsin .
Now, guess who owns the company that will be tabulating all the electronic votes in Wisconsin .
Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, the biggest contributor to Obama, the puppeteer George Soros. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat a coincidence!
And now for your quick refresher in World History :
Remember what Stalin said. "He who votes does not have the power.
He who counts the votes has the power".
Air Force One
Subject: Supreme Court vs the President
Subject: Supreme Court vs the President
I don’t know who wrote this but is a refreshing read and some of the best news since Obama took office. The last shot across the bow of the SCOTUS (Supreme Court) may have awakened them to the plight of We The People, citizens of the Republic, and shake the judges enough to get busy. Either way it's at least going to let We The People know if one of the Three Branches of government are on the side of We The People, The Constitution and The Republic or not!
- - - - - Obama May Be In Deep Trouble with Chief Justice John Roberts, U.S. Supreme Court. According to sources who watch the inner workings of the federal government, a smack-down of Barack Obama by the U.S. Supreme Court may be inevitable.
Ever since Obama assumed the office of President, critics have hammered him on a number of Constitutional issues. Critics have complained that much, if not all of Obama's major initiatives run headlong into Constitutional roadblocks on the power of the federal government. Obama certainly did not help himself in the eyes of the Court when he used the venue of the State of the Union address early in the year to publicly flog the Court over its ruling that the First Amendment grants the right to various organizations to run political ads during the time of an election.
The tongue-lashing clearly did not sit well with the Court, as demonstrated by Justice Sam Alito, who publicly shook his head and stated under his breath, 'That's not true,' when Obama told a flat-out lie concerning the Court's ruling.
As it has turned out, this was a watershed moment in the relationship between the executive and the judicial branches of the federal government. Obama publicly declared war on the court, even as he blatantly continued to propose legislation that flies in the face of every known Constitutional principle upon which this nation has stood for over 200 years.
Obama has even identified Chief Justice John Roberts as his number one enemy, that is, apart from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and so on. And it is no accident that the one swing-vote on the court, Justice Anthony Kennedy, stated recently that he has no intention of retiring until 'Obama is gone.'
Apparently, the Court has had enough. The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle manner, of course, that it intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have been screaming to high heaven. A ruling against Obama on any one of these important issues could potentially cripple the Administration. Such a thing would be long overdue.
First, there is ObamaCare, which violates the Constitutional principle barring the federal government from forcing citizens to purchase something. And no, this is not the same thing as states requiring drivers to purchase car insurance, as some of the intellectually-impaired claim. The Constitution limits the FEDERAL government, not state governments, from such things, and further, not everyone has to drive, and thus, a citizen could opt not to purchase car insurance by simply deciding not to drive a vehicle. In the ObamaCare world, however, no citizen can 'opt out.' Second, sources state that the Roberts court has quietly accepted information concerning discrepancies in Obama's history that raise serious questions about his eligibility for the office of President. The charge goes far beyond the birth certificate issue. This information involves possible fraudulent use of a Social Security number in Connecticut while Obama was a high school student in Hawaii. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. Third, several cases involving possible criminal activity, conflicts of interest, and pay-for-play cronyism could potentially land many Administration officials, if not Obama himself, in hot water with the Court. Frankly, in the years this writer has observed politics, nothing comes close to comparing with the rampant corruption of this Administration, not even during the Nixon years. Nixon and the Watergate conspirators look like choirboys compared to the jokers that populate this Administration. In addition, the Court will eventually be forced to rule on the dreadful decision of the Obama DOJ suing the state of Arizona. That, too, could send the Obama doctrine of open borders to an early grave, given that the Administration refuses to enforce federal law on illegal aliens. And finally, the biggie that could potentially send the entire house of cards tumbling in a free-fall is the latest revelation concerning the Obama-Holder Department of Justice and its refusal to pursue the New Black Panther Party. The group was caught on tape committing felonies by attempting to intimidate Caucasian voters into staying away from the polls. A whistle-blower who resigned from the DOJ is now charging Holder with the deliberate refusal to pursue cases against Blacks, particularly those who are involved in radical hate-groups, such as the New Black Panthers, who have been caught on tape calling for the murder of white people and their babies. This one is a biggie that could send the entire Administration crumbling—that is, if the Justices have the guts to draw a line in the sand at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS LIST!!! In passing this on it is no wonder Americans of every race and political persuasion are disgusted with our Federal Government, it is not hard to understand the mistrust and the disgust. Obama and his administration should be impeached and the quicker the better. Obama only knows the blame game, now it is the Tea Party that caused him to spend our country into debt so deep it may never recover. He is a President that had a super majority in both houses until last November. And because of that he jammed pork barrel projects and spending of every kind of an entitlement bill one can't imagine along with Obama Care down our throats with spending that is unattainable. He is borrowing 42 cents on every dollar we owe and spend, wake up America we have become a third world communist country. HOW DO YOU LIKE HIS CHANGE NOW?? |
After three years of Obama
After three years of Obama ...
Here's your change!
January 2009
% chg
| ||||
Avg. Retail price/gallon gas in U.S.
| |||
Crude oil, European Brent (barrel)
| |||
Crude oil, West TX Inter. (barrel)
| |||
Corn, No.2 yellow, Central IL
| |||
Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, IL
| |||
Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb.Fob
| |||
Unemployment rate, non-farm, overall
| |||
Unemployment rate, blacks
| |||
Number of unemployed
| |||
Number of fed. Employees
| |||
Real median household income
| |||
Number of food stamp recipients
| |||
Number of unemployment benefit recipients
| |||
Number of long-term unemployed
| |||
Poverty rate, individuals
| |||
People in poverty in U.S.
| |||
U.S. Rank in Economic Freedom World Rankings
| |||
Present Situation Index
| |||
Failed banks
| |||
U.S. Dollar versus Japanese yen exchange rate
| |||
U.S. Money supply, M1, in billions
| |||
U.S. Money supply, M2, in billions
| |||
National debt, in trillions
| |||
Just take this last item: In the last two years we have accumulated national debt at a rate more than 27 times as fast as during the rest of our entire nation's history.
Over 27 times as fast. Metaphorically speaking, if you are driving in the right lane doing 65 MPH and a car rockets past you in the left lane.
27 times faster, it would be doing 7,555 MPH!
Over 27 times as fast. Metaphorically speaking, if you are driving in the right lane doing 65 MPH and a car rockets past you in the left lane.
27 times faster, it would be doing 7,555 MPH!
(1) U.S. Energy Information Administration; (2) Wall Street Journal; (3) Bureau of Labor Statistics; (4) Census Bureau; (5) USDA; (6) U.S. Dept. Of Labor;
(7) FHFA; (8) Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller; (9) RealtyTrac; (10) Heritage Foundation and WSJ; (11) The Conference Board; (12) FDIC;
(13) Federal Reserve; (14) U.S. Treasury
(1) U.S. Energy Information Administration; (2) Wall Street Journal; (3) Bureau of Labor Statistics; (4) Census Bureau; (5) USDA; (6) U.S. Dept. Of Labor;
(7) FHFA; (8) Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller; (9) RealtyTrac; (10) Heritage Foundation and WSJ; (11) The Conference Board; (12) FDIC;
(13) Federal Reserve; (14) U.S. Treasury
So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can't think of anything? Don't worry. He's done all this in 29 months -- so you'll have about 8 months to come up with an answer. Every statement in this email is factual and directly attributable to Barrack Hussein Obama. Every bumble is a matter of record and completely verifiable.
Only In America – Top Ten
1) Only in America could politicians talk about the greed of the rich
at a $35,000 a plate campaign fund raising event.
2) Only in America could people claim that the government still
discriminates against black Americans when we have a black President,
a black Attorney General, and roughly 18% of the federal workforce is
black. 12% of the population is black.
3) Only in America could we have had the two people most responsible
for our tax code, Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury
Department and Charles Rangel who once ran the Ways and Means
Committee, BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher
4) Only in America can we have terrorists kill people in the name of
Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims
might be harmed by the backlash.
5) Only in America would we make people who want to legally become
American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens
of thousands of dollars for the privilege while we discuss letting
anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just become American
6) Only in America could the people who believe in balancing the
budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as
7) Only in America could you need to present a driver's license to
cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.
8) Only in America could people demand the government investigate
whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas
went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil Company
(Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes
9) Only in America could the government collect more tax dollars from
the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a trillion
dollars more than it has per year for total spending of $7 million PER
MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.
10) Only in America could the rich people who pay 86% of all income
taxes be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't
pay any income taxes at all.
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