While there may be legitimate isolated incidents of voter fraud during the presidential campaign, I doubt it amounts to more than 3 million votes.
The fact is, the majority of Americans chose bigger government, more regulation, more entitlements, higher taxes, less freedom, less liberty, less sovereignty, and less opportunity.
The allure of socialism is extremely attractive and very addictive. And although history points to it’s end-of-the-road devastating consequences – because the current generation of Americans are by and large devoid of historical context – it looks, sounds, and feels pretty damn good.
And why shouldn’t it?
Besides the occasional coverage of riots and uprisings in countries like Greece and Spain, as far as younger Americans are concerned, Europeans look pretty content.
Sure, young Americans may hear the usual talking points:
> Eventually running out of other peoples money
> The devastating consequences
> Forced austerity measures
> Government intrusion
> Lack of private ownership
> High taxes
> Yada, yada, yada . . .
But that’s not what they’re witnessing.
In fact, because of social media sites and the internet, more and more young Americans are interacting with and even forging genuine friendships with young Europeans who, by and large, are pretty happy.
Hell, why wouldn’t they be?
Daily siestas, upwards of 12 weeks a year vacation, sick days, universal healthcare, national holidays, public pot smoking, legal prostitution, openly gay soirees, and government paid retirement.
And if you run out of money or find your ass in a sling, you just call on America to bail your butt out.
How in the hell is democracy, free market capitalism, individual responsibility, and hard work supposed to compete with that?
It can’t.
And until Americans personally experience the devastating consequences of statism and socialism, it will continue to grow and influence more and more of the electorate . . .
With no end in sight.
In fact, I venture to say that within 20 years, America will have rejected free markets, free enterprise, and capitalism in favor of and in full agreement with socialist principles.
Why? Because most Americans with any historical context and heartfelt patriotic pride and appreciation for what this country used to stand for will be dead of old age.
But what will still be here?
The only institution that can guarantee the implementation of socialism in the United States . . . The Federal Reserve.
That is, until the rest of the world calls in their markers.
How long can the charade go on?
Probably a lot longer than anyone can predict.
Sixteen trillion dollars in debt would have been unthinkable, not to mention, unconscionable only ten years ago. Now it’s just a drop in the bucket? Americans have become immune and unaffected by it.
And why not?
There have been no repercussions – no blowback as a result of all the oniomania.
If there were ever a valid retort for the old cliche’ “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” it’s . . .
“No Daddy, but it grows on printing presses.”
We’ve been on the road to perdition for a lot longer than most Americans even know. Definitely since Nixon removed the dollar from the gold standard, and arguably since FDR’s “New Deal” in 1933. Some would even harken it to the Woodrow Wilson era twenty years before that.
Regardless of its genesis, it’s not a matter of “if” but “when” the Day of Reckoning will arrive.
Far be it for me to prognosticate when that time will come, but I venture to say that’s it’s much longer into the future than any economist can predict.
Debt and deficits aren’t the concern. If the Fed runs out of ink or paper – that’s when it will be time to worry.
So what if a loaf of bread may cost a hundred bucks? We don’t need the carbs anyway
Kevin A. Lehmann
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