Si vis pacem parabellum If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong We can thank public education for American gullibility... When did individualism and self reliance come to depend on the government? "A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." Capital punishment means never having to say, "You again?" Liberals Use Guilt As Moral Weapon Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Bill O'Reilly: Video Center - Talking Points Memos - Talking Points 6/24
Bill O'Reilly: Video Center - Talking Points Memos - Talking Points 6/24
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Megyn Kelly: The Obama Presidency Is 'Imploding'
Last night on her own show, Fox News Channel anchor Megyn Kelly offered a marvelous smack-down of the Obama administration.
“Is Obama’s Presidency imploding?” she asked. “Al Qaeda is resurging. Iraq is disintegrating. And now we may look to Iran to help us stop it. Iran. A terrorist regime responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. What could possibly go wrong?”
“We have drawn red lines in Syria we refused to enforce,” she continued. “We stood by as Russia seized part of Ukraine. And now we are releasing top Taliban leaders as the Afghanistan war is still going. Not to worry, they tell us, Qatar’s going to watch them. For a year. We hope.”
Her verbal assault against the Obama administration was not confined to foreign policy.
“Domestically, we have a President who has lost the trust of the American people by repeatedly misleading them,” Kelly said. “He bypassed Congress, the people’s representatives, on matters ranging from ObamaCare to immigration law to the point where one of the most respected liberal law professors in the country has called our President ‘the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.’”
She’s speaking about Jonathan Turley there.
“Is Obama’s Presidency imploding?” she asked. “Al Qaeda is resurging. Iraq is disintegrating. And now we may look to Iran to help us stop it. Iran. A terrorist regime responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. What could possibly go wrong?”
“We have drawn red lines in Syria we refused to enforce,” she continued. “We stood by as Russia seized part of Ukraine. And now we are releasing top Taliban leaders as the Afghanistan war is still going. Not to worry, they tell us, Qatar’s going to watch them. For a year. We hope.”
Her verbal assault against the Obama administration was not confined to foreign policy.
“Domestically, we have a President who has lost the trust of the American people by repeatedly misleading them,” Kelly said. “He bypassed Congress, the people’s representatives, on matters ranging from ObamaCare to immigration law to the point where one of the most respected liberal law professors in the country has called our President ‘the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.’”
She’s speaking about Jonathan Turley there.
IRS hearings expose more questions than answers Democrats, media ignoring scandal?
IRS hearings expose more questions than answers
Democrats, media ignoring scandal?
Videos | The Five | Fox News
Videos | The Five | Fox News
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Monday, June 16, 2014
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Friday, June 13, 2014
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
1. Be cursed with a Federal govt that refuses to secure the international borders of our Republic.
2. Install an Executive Branch with no fidelity to it's "oath of office" and whimsically ignore laws, and/or change laws without legislative approval.
3. Tolerate a Justice Dept that refuses to prosecute broken laws for purely partisan reasons.
4. Be bridled with a legislative "upper" house of govt that blocks 75% of the action coming out of the "lower" legislative house.Ergo legislative gridlock.
5. Add to this an activist judiciary with an agenda that aggressively over turns "the voted will of the people", and then engages in legislating from the "bench".
6. Pile on top of all this, a civil service taking full advantage of the legislative gridlock, with a "patterned" social agenda that installs highly partisan regulations on the population, without public debate, or vote by the people.
7. Wrap this up in a "4th Estate", with a media agenda that under reports abuses to the Constitution, and the rule of law.
8. Pay for this with a Treasury that it will solve govt over spending with the printing of a paper "fiat" currency that had no real or tangible value.
9. Attach a "card" that represents incredibly wealthy pop-culture, social elites, and public figures, that vitriolically claims that anyone sounding the alarm of re any of the aforementioned tyrannies, as being a "racist".
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Friday, June 6, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Two former South Dakota Senate candidates arrested - CBS News
So let's recap... in Detroit it's completely LEGAL to do this exact same thing... (i.e. John Conyers), but in South Dakota you go to jail for it. Interesting.
Two former South Dakota Senate candidates arrested - CBS News
Two former South Dakota Senate candidates arrested - CBS News
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
United States Taxes Fund Arab Terrorism
United States Taxes Fund Arab Terrorism
United States Taxes Fund Arab Terrorism

"There is no such thing as a Palestinian people ... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist." Golda Meir, former Prime Minister of Israel
ISSN: 1933-9178
United States Taxes Fund Arab Terrorism
[NoTaxesForTerror (StandWithUs)]
The Palestinian Authority [PA] pays high salaries and good benefits to convicted terrorists in Israeli prisons. The more horrific the crime and the more Israelis or Americans murdered, the higher the salary and the better the benefits.
But where does the cash-strapped PA get the money for terrorists?
Much of it comes from your [US] tax dollars. The PA budget is heavily dependent on foreign aid—and the U.S. is the PA's largest single country donor.
In 2011, The PA announced the following wages and stipulated that they would be linked to the cost of living index.
The PA also provides money to families of terrorists.[19]
2. Israeli Security Agency, "2013 Annual Summary" [return]
3. "Terrorism: American Victims of Terrorist Attacks: 1970-2012," Jewish Virtual Library [return]
4. Edwin Black, Financing the Flames, Dialog Press, 2013, p.188; Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, "PA to Pay Salaries to All Terrorists in Israeli Prisons," Palestinian Media Watch, May 20, 2011 [return]
5. "Israel issues 700 life sentences against Palestinians in 13 years," Middle East Monitor, Sept. 30, 2013; for example the crimes committed by recently released prisoners, "Background to the Scheduled Prisoner Release You Won't Find at the BBC," BBC Watch, Dec. 29, 2013 [return]
6. Edwin Black, "How British and American Aid Subsidises Palestinian Terrorism," The Guardian, Nov. 11, 2013 [return]
7. Salam Fayyad, "A Settlement for the Prisoners," Jerusalem Times, July 22, 2004 [return]
8. Ilan Ben Zion, "PA spends 6% of its budget paying Palestinians in Israeli jails, families of suicide bombers," Times of Israel, Sept. 3, 2012 [return]
9. Ibid. [return]
10. Gideon Ben-Zvi, "Report: Palestinian Authority Paid Out $100 Million to Convicted Terrorists in 2013," Algemeiner, Feb. 15, 2014 [return]
11. Sharona Schwartz, "Congress Trying to Prevent U.S. Tax Money from Funding Palestinian Terrorist Salaries," The Blaze, March 6, 2014 [return]
12. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, "PA allocates $46 million more for terrorists in 2014," Palestinian Media Watch, Feb. 12, 2014 [return]
13. Salam Fayyad, "A Settlement for the Prisoners," Jerusalem Times, July 22, 2004 [return]
14. Edwin Black, "Direct Taxpayer Support for Terrorism,"
Financing the Flames, 2013 [return]
15. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) reported the average daily wage in the West Bank in 2012 was $24.60. PCBS, "Average Net Daily Wage of Palestinians Working in the PT" 2012 [return]
16. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, "PMW report presented to members of Congress on US funding of Palestinian terrorists," Palestinian Media Watch, July 26, 2011 [return]
17. Maya Shwayder, "Salaries For Suicide Bombers: Western States Unwittingly Fund Terrorist Activities In Palestine, Says Report," International Business Times, Feb. 14, 2013 [return]
18. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, "PA to pay salaries to all terrorists in Israeli prisons," Palestinian Media Watch, May 20, 2011 [return]
19. Maya Shwayder, International Business Times [return]
20. Palestinian Authority TV, "Relatives of terrorists receive university scholarships," Dec. 25, 2013 [return]
21. Lahav Harkov and Khaled Abu Toameh, "Senior Likudniks react angrily to PA payouts to freed terrorists," Jerusalem Post, Nov. 18, 2013 [return]
22. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, "Is the PA lying to European governments in order to receive European funding?" Palestinian Media Watch, Feb. 14, 2013 [return]
23. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, May 20, 2011; Edwin Black, Financing the Flames, 2013, pp. 189-190 [return]
24. "Terrorism: American Victims of Terrorist Attacks: 1970-2012," Jewish Virtual Library [return]
25. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, May 20, 2011; Edwin Black, Financing the Flames, 2013, pp. 189-190 [return]
26. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Suicide and Other Bombing Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles (Sept 1993)" [return]
27. Ahyia Raved, "Fogel Family Murderer Gets Five Life Sentences," YNet News, Sept. 13, 2011; Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, Feb. 14, 2013 [return]
28. Israel State Budget, 2013-2014, Attachments [Hebrew]
29. Barak Ravid, "Israel to strip Hamas prisoners' rights as pressure over Shalit," Haaretz, March 29, 2009; Anat Berko, "Israeli Prisons, Hothouses for Breeding Palestinian Terrorists," Investigative Project on Terrorism, Aug. 2, 2013 [return]
30. Linda Gradstein, "What's daily life like for Palestinians in Israeli prisons?," Jewish Telegraph Agency, Dec. 18, 2011 [return]
31. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdek, "Terrorist planned attack in order to be imprisoned and receive PA salary," Palestinian Media Watch, Feb. 16, 2014 [return]
32. "Governor of Ramallah gives speech honoring terrorists' families," Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 16, 2014; "Glorifying Terrorists and Terror," Palestinian Media Watch [return]
33. Jodi Rudoren, "Remaking a Life, After Years in an Israeli Prison," The New York Times, March 29, 2014 [return]
34. Palestinian Authority TV, "PA Minister Defends PA Giving Money to Terrorists, They Are 'Heroes,'" Nov. 4, 2013 [return]
35. Miftah, "Fact Sheet: The Palestinian Authority's Sources of Funding,"
Miftah, Feb. 2006 [return]
36. Omar Shaban, "Palestinian Authority's 2013 Budget Passed Despite Political Rift," Al-Monitor, April 8, 2013 [return]
37. Jillian Kestler-D'Amours, "Bubble in aid-dependent West Bank bound to burst, say economists," Electronic Intifada, Aug. 12, 2006 [return]
38. StandWithUs, "Foreign Aid to the Palestinians Data,"
Nov. 12, 2012 [return]
39. Omar Shaban, "Palestinian Authority's 2013 Budget Passed Despite Political Rift," Al-Monitor, April 8, 2013 [return]
40. "Fatah Official: 85% of Donor Money Goes Toward PA Salaries," Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 25, 2013 [return]
41. Sharona Schwartz, The Blaze, March 6, 2014 [return]
42. Jim Zanotti, "U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians,"
Congressional Research Service, Sept. 30, 2013 [return]
43. GAO, "Recent Improvements Made, but USAID Should Do More to Help Ensure Aid Is Not Provided for Terrorist Activities in West Bank and Gaza," GAO 06-1026-R, Sept. 29, 2006 [return]
44. GAO, "Report to Congressional Committees: Measures to Prevent Inadvertent Payments to Terrorists under Palestinian Aid Programs Have Been Strengthened, but Some Weaknesses Remain,"
May, 2009 [return]
45. Sharona Schwartz, The Blaze [return]
[ Published: April 28, 2014 ]
Summary ...
The Palestinian Authority has supported terrorists for many years, using the funds given to the organization from the United States, the PA's largest single country donor. Despite investigations by the US Congress, the money keeps pouring in to pay the terrorists of the PA, many whom Israel released under pressure from the United States.
But where does the cash-strapped PA get the money for terrorists?
Much of it comes from your [US] tax dollars. The PA budget is heavily dependent on foreign aid—and the U.S. is the PA's largest single country donor.
Facts About the Palestinian Terrorism Industry
Palestinian [sic] terrorists killed or wounded thousands of Israeli and American civilians between 1993 and 2014.- 286 Israeli civilians murdered between 1993 and 2000[1]; 1,227 Israeli civilians murdered and 8,549 wounded or maimed between 2000 and 2014.[2]
- 58 Americans murdered and 75 to 102 wounded between 1993 and 2010.[3]
- 1,000 have been convicted of murdering Israelis and have "blood on their hands."
- 3,000 to 4,000 were caught in dragnets or were complicit in terrorism.
- 792 prisoners were serving life sentences in 2011 for murdering Israelis or Palestinian "collaborators."[5]
- The PA also pays Arab citizens of Israel who commit terrorist acts.
- The PA does not discriminate: terrorists from every group—Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad—get funding.
- These two institutions funnel the salaries and benefits, provide legal aid, and make demands on behalf of the prisoners.
- Then PA Finance Minister Mahmoud Abbas announced in 2004 that only prisoners who "resist the occupation" qualify for benefits. Other criminals—convicted of lighter crimes like theft, burglary or others—do not.[7]
- In 2011, the PA spent an estimated 6% of its budget on payments to prisoners and their families: 18 million shekels ($4.5 million) per month on prisoners and 26 million shekels ($6.5 million) per month on payments to families of suicide bombers—$132 million/year.[9]
- In 2013, the PA spent an estimated 5% of its budget on payments to terrorists,[10] and spent approximately $100 million for prisoners' salaries.[11]
- In 2014, the PA announced that it was budgeting an additional 160 million shekels ($46 million) to give to released prisoners.[12]
- Then PA Finance Minister Mahmoud Abbas assured Palestinians in 2004 that these two institutions would always have top budgetary priority. In 2004, even when funding for other services had to be slashed by 66 percent, the prisoners' salaries were paid in full, and the budget for the Prisoners' Club was cut by only 50 percent.[13]
- In 2012, funding for the Ministry of Prisoners was ten times greater than that for the Ministry of Labor, and half that of the Ministry of Social Affairs.[14]
In 2011, The PA announced the following wages and stipulated that they would be linked to the cost of living index.
- All security prisoners get a base salary of 1,400 shekels ($400) per month.
- Terrorists sentenced to 3-5 years get 2,000 shekels ($560) per month.
- Terrorists sentenced to 5-10 years get 4,000 shekels ($1,100) per month.
- Terrorists sentenced to 10-15 years get 6,000 shekels ($1,690) per month.
- Terrorists sentenced to 15-20 years get 7,000 shekels ($2,000) per month.
- Terrorists sentenced to 20-25 years get 8,000 shekels ($2,250) per month.
- Terrorists sentenced to 25-30 years get 10,000 shekels ($2,800) per month.
- The worst offenders, those who commit mass murder, get the top wage of 12,000 shekels ($3,400) per month—up to 10 times more than the average pay.
The PA also provides money to families of terrorists.[19]
- Wives get 300 shekels ($85) monthly.
- Fifty shekels ($14.46) are given monthly to each child of the terrorist.
- There are between $4 million and $5.6 million in a PA university scholarship fund for relatives of terrorists.[20]
- Released prisoners receive the status of a deputy minister or the rank of major-general in the PA security forces — both worth a monthly stipend of NIS 14,000 ($4,000).[21]
- In 2013, four thousand released Palestinian prisoners received monthly salaries although many of them were able-bodied men who could work.[22]
- Abdallah Barghouti: 67 life sentences for involvement in terrorism that together involved the slaughter of 66 Israeli men, women, and children. The Sbarro Pizza Restauarant (Aug. 9, 2001); Moment Café (March 9, 2002); the triple attack at the Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall (Dec. 1, 2001).[23] His victims included two Americans killed and nine wounded, including two-year-old Sara Nachenberg.[24]
- Hassan Salameh: 38 life sentences. Head of the terror infrastructure responsible for two attacks on the No. 18 buses in Jerusalem (Feb. 5 and March 3 1996) and at the Ashkelon Junction hitchhike point (Feb. 25, 1996).[25] 20 Israelis were killed in the attacks.[26]
- Hakim Awad: 5 life sentences. He and a fellow terrorist murdered five members of the Fogel family while they slept, including their 11-year-old and 4-year-old sons, and their two-month-old infant daughter.[27]
- In Israeli prisons, prisoners enjoy family visits, education, television, newspapers and radio and receive top quality dental and medical care. They can take high school matriculation exams, study at the open university, and graduate with accredited college degrees.[29]
- Each cell has its own shower, bathroom, kitchenette and a TV that receives 12 channels, including Israeli channels and several Arabic-language channels, among them Palestinian TV. Prisoners also have access to the prison library and when necessary, to treatment in Israeli hospitals. They are regularly visited by the International Red Cross.[30]
- In 2013, Palestinian Husni Najjar was arrested for planning terrorist attacks. He admitted that he was incentivized by the financial reward, saying that his previous stint in prison had not lasted long enough to give him a high salary. With a second prison sentence, he would get 135,000 shekels, "enough to pay my debts."[31]
- Prisoners Day is an important annual national holiday.
- Town squares, sports teams, schools, and camps are named after notorious terrorists.[32]
- Prisoners are viewed as national heroes. * Muqdad Salah murdered a 72-year-old Holocaust survivor in 1993. Released in 2013, he was welcomed by "a cacophonous crowd;" had saved $100,000 from his prisoners' salary, and the PA gave him an additional $50,000 when he was released.[33] * "These [prisoners] are heroes, fedayyeen (self-sacrificing fighters), and fighters who fought so that we could live in dignity..." PA Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Issa Karake (2013)[34]
The PA Funds the Terrorism Industry With Donor Dollars
The PA budget is heavily dependent on donor dollars.- In 2003, 58% of the PA budget came from donors; in 2004 and 2005, 53% came from donors[35]; in 2013, foreign donations were expected to cover 40% of its budget—$1.4 billion.[36]
- In 2012, a Palestinian economist reported that "the West Bank economy is almost entirely upheld by international aid; in 2011, donors promised the PA $1 billion in support." [37]
- Donors gave roughly $30 billion in international aid to the PA between 1993 and 2012; $7 billion came from the U.S. alone and $7 billion came from the EU; $10 billion came from individual European countries, Japan, Australia, and Canada.[38]
- The U.S. allotted $170 million and the EU allotted $421 million to directly fund the PA budget in 2013.[39]
- A PA official reported that 85% of foreign donations were used for PA salaries in 2013, which likely includes prisoner salaries.[40]
- "The United States gave $440 million in fiscal year 2013 to the Palestinian Authority. We all know that money is fungible. The more money we give to help them with these 'job programs,' the more money the Palestinian Authority has to pay terrorists." Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas), Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade.[41]
- The three U.S. priorities for aid to Palestinians include "preventing terrorism from Hamas and other militant organizations," according to the Congressional Research Service in 2013.[42]
- Since 2001, appropriations acts have required that steps be taken to "ensure that U.S. resources, including its aid to the West Bank and Gaza, do not support terrorist activities,"[43] but in 2009, the Government Accountability Office [GAO] reported that while measures to prevent inadvertent payments to terrorists had been strengthened, weaknesses remained.[44]
- In 2014, Congress held hearings on donor money funding Palestinian prisoners convicted of terrorism. "U.S. taxpayer money should not be paying and rewarding Palestinian terrorists who are doing harm and killing Israelis and Americans," declared Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas), Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade.[45]
1. "Fatalities in Palestinian Terror Attacks (1967-2005)," Jewish Virtual Library; a recent lawsuit identified 102 American injured, Charlie Savage, "Terror Suit Against Jordanian Bank Tests U.S. Diplomacy and Secrecy Laws," The New York Times, April 1, 2014 [return]2. Israeli Security Agency, "2013 Annual Summary" [return]
3. "Terrorism: American Victims of Terrorist Attacks: 1970-2012," Jewish Virtual Library [return]
4. Edwin Black, Financing the Flames, Dialog Press, 2013, p.188; Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, "PA to Pay Salaries to All Terrorists in Israeli Prisons," Palestinian Media Watch, May 20, 2011 [return]
5. "Israel issues 700 life sentences against Palestinians in 13 years," Middle East Monitor, Sept. 30, 2013; for example the crimes committed by recently released prisoners, "Background to the Scheduled Prisoner Release You Won't Find at the BBC," BBC Watch, Dec. 29, 2013 [return]
6. Edwin Black, "How British and American Aid Subsidises Palestinian Terrorism," The Guardian, Nov. 11, 2013 [return]
7. Salam Fayyad, "A Settlement for the Prisoners," Jerusalem Times, July 22, 2004 [return]
8. Ilan Ben Zion, "PA spends 6% of its budget paying Palestinians in Israeli jails, families of suicide bombers," Times of Israel, Sept. 3, 2012 [return]
9. Ibid. [return]
10. Gideon Ben-Zvi, "Report: Palestinian Authority Paid Out $100 Million to Convicted Terrorists in 2013," Algemeiner, Feb. 15, 2014 [return]
11. Sharona Schwartz, "Congress Trying to Prevent U.S. Tax Money from Funding Palestinian Terrorist Salaries," The Blaze, March 6, 2014 [return]
12. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, "PA allocates $46 million more for terrorists in 2014," Palestinian Media Watch, Feb. 12, 2014 [return]
13. Salam Fayyad, "A Settlement for the Prisoners," Jerusalem Times, July 22, 2004 [return]
14. Edwin Black, "Direct Taxpayer Support for Terrorism,"

15. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) reported the average daily wage in the West Bank in 2012 was $24.60. PCBS, "Average Net Daily Wage of Palestinians Working in the PT" 2012 [return]
16. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, "PMW report presented to members of Congress on US funding of Palestinian terrorists," Palestinian Media Watch, July 26, 2011 [return]
17. Maya Shwayder, "Salaries For Suicide Bombers: Western States Unwittingly Fund Terrorist Activities In Palestine, Says Report," International Business Times, Feb. 14, 2013 [return]
18. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, "PA to pay salaries to all terrorists in Israeli prisons," Palestinian Media Watch, May 20, 2011 [return]
19. Maya Shwayder, International Business Times [return]
20. Palestinian Authority TV, "Relatives of terrorists receive university scholarships," Dec. 25, 2013 [return]
21. Lahav Harkov and Khaled Abu Toameh, "Senior Likudniks react angrily to PA payouts to freed terrorists," Jerusalem Post, Nov. 18, 2013 [return]
22. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, "Is the PA lying to European governments in order to receive European funding?" Palestinian Media Watch, Feb. 14, 2013 [return]
23. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, May 20, 2011; Edwin Black, Financing the Flames, 2013, pp. 189-190 [return]
24. "Terrorism: American Victims of Terrorist Attacks: 1970-2012," Jewish Virtual Library [return]
25. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, May 20, 2011; Edwin Black, Financing the Flames, 2013, pp. 189-190 [return]
26. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Suicide and Other Bombing Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles (Sept 1993)" [return]
27. Ahyia Raved, "Fogel Family Murderer Gets Five Life Sentences," YNet News, Sept. 13, 2011; Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, Feb. 14, 2013 [return]
28. Israel State Budget, 2013-2014, Attachments [Hebrew]

29. Barak Ravid, "Israel to strip Hamas prisoners' rights as pressure over Shalit," Haaretz, March 29, 2009; Anat Berko, "Israeli Prisons, Hothouses for Breeding Palestinian Terrorists," Investigative Project on Terrorism, Aug. 2, 2013 [return]
30. Linda Gradstein, "What's daily life like for Palestinians in Israeli prisons?," Jewish Telegraph Agency, Dec. 18, 2011 [return]
31. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdek, "Terrorist planned attack in order to be imprisoned and receive PA salary," Palestinian Media Watch, Feb. 16, 2014 [return]
32. "Governor of Ramallah gives speech honoring terrorists' families," Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 16, 2014; "Glorifying Terrorists and Terror," Palestinian Media Watch [return]
33. Jodi Rudoren, "Remaking a Life, After Years in an Israeli Prison," The New York Times, March 29, 2014 [return]
34. Palestinian Authority TV, "PA Minister Defends PA Giving Money to Terrorists, They Are 'Heroes,'" Nov. 4, 2013 [return]
35. Miftah, "Fact Sheet: The Palestinian Authority's Sources of Funding,"

36. Omar Shaban, "Palestinian Authority's 2013 Budget Passed Despite Political Rift," Al-Monitor, April 8, 2013 [return]
37. Jillian Kestler-D'Amours, "Bubble in aid-dependent West Bank bound to burst, say economists," Electronic Intifada, Aug. 12, 2006 [return]
38. StandWithUs, "Foreign Aid to the Palestinians Data,"

39. Omar Shaban, "Palestinian Authority's 2013 Budget Passed Despite Political Rift," Al-Monitor, April 8, 2013 [return]
40. "Fatah Official: 85% of Donor Money Goes Toward PA Salaries," Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 25, 2013 [return]
41. Sharona Schwartz, The Blaze, March 6, 2014 [return]
42. Jim Zanotti, "U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians,"

43. GAO, "Recent Improvements Made, but USAID Should Do More to Help Ensure Aid Is Not Provided for Terrorist Activities in West Bank and Gaza," GAO 06-1026-R, Sept. 29, 2006 [return]
44. GAO, "Report to Congressional Committees: Measures to Prevent Inadvertent Payments to Terrorists under Palestinian Aid Programs Have Been Strengthened, but Some Weaknesses Remain,"

45. Sharona Schwartz, The Blaze [return]
The Liberation of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in the Six Day War (1967)
This is the historic live broadcast from the Voice of Israel Radio, as reported on 28 Iyar 5727 (June 7, 1967) during the liberation of the Temple Mount and the Western Wall by the Israel Defense Forces. The broadcast is in Hebrew with an English translation.The Myth of the Moderate Hamas
Those involved in the Israeli-Arab peace process — well at least all those except Israel — have been quick to try to repaint Hamas as a political party, preferring to ignore its well-earned "terrorist organization" label. Back as far as July 2010 senior intelligence officers of the US Central Command recommended the legitimization of the Hamas and Hizb'Allah terrorist organizations.United States Taxes Fund Arab Terrorism
The Palestinian Authority has supported terrorists for many years, using the funds given to the organization from the United States, the PA/PLO's largest single country donor. Despite investigations by the US Congress, the money keeps pouring in to pay the terrorists of the PA/PLO, many whom Israel released under pressure from the United States, and many of whom have murdered US citizens.Emet Blog
US State Department, French Embassy Partner in Anti-Semitic Book Fair
The U.S. State Department is listed as a "cultural partner" of the 24th Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, held from April 30 to May 5. Among the anti-Semitic publications on display at the fair (in both English and Arabic) — books which paved the way for the Holocaust — are The International Jew, Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.Ten Websites About the Holocaust
Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah) is a national day of commemoration in Israel, remembering the six million Jews who were brutally murdered in the Holocaust. These ten Web sites focus on the Holocaust. Some of them tell the history of what happened, others give the names of those who died and others provide documents, pictures, and other information.Israel Will Survive Without U.S. Aid
The State of Israel's survival is in no way dependent on the United States or any other human agency. The incredible saga of the Jewish return to the Holy Land is, of course, preceded by the miraculous survival of that Jewish people through 1,900 years of persecution, wanderings, and Holocaust. How? Why, because they are, indeed, the Chosen People. They are, indeed, capable of suffering terribly but never being destroyed. They are, indeed, the people of God who, just as Divinely promised, have come home, never again to be exiled. That is the immutable fact of history, whether one cares to believe or not. Not by American bread does the Jewish state live but by the word of God.Views/Commentary
A Letter to US Ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, Regarding Jonathan Pollard
US President Obama continually refuses to release Jonathan Pollard from prison despite the fact that many Israeli and US government leaders, including those from the FBI, CIA, NSA and Department of Justice, have called for his release. Contrary to statements spread by uninformed individuals, Pollard was never indicted for harming the United States, for compromising codes, agents, or war plans, nor was he ever charged with treason. Pollard was indicted on only one charge: one count of passing classified information to an ally, without intent to harm the United States, for which the usual sentence is only two to four years. One fact that stands out significantly is that while the United States continues to refuse to honor the plea agreement it made with Pollard, it demands that Israel release hundreds of terrorists who have been tried and convicted of committing multiple, heinous murders, of whom many of the victims are US citizens.Examining the Roots of Historical Jewish Music
Music from the Jewish culture allows historians and other researchers to discover Jewish history from a unique point of view. Jewish music provides insight into details not usually found in common historical artifacts. Many organizations, specifically created for the research and study of Jewish music, are providing a wealth of information not previously known in that field of study.Remembering Irena Sendler
Irena Sendler was a Polish Gentile who rescued more than 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw ghetto. The Life in a Jar project celebrates her accomplishments in defeating Hitler's intended murder of these children.Selected Reading
Israel in Figures 2013 - Central Bureau of Statistics
This booklet covers a broad range of topics related to Israeli demography, society, and economy. Included are facts about the government and its founding, facts about the land itself, as well as population, standard of living information, education and economic stats and many other details about the nation. Very good background information.Are Settlements Illegal?
The world declares that the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria are illegal and must be destroyed and the Jews relocated. They base their claim on either the Geneva Convention, UN General Assembly Resolution 181, UN Security Council Resolution 242, or any number of other documents. The facts, however, prove otherwise. The Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria are, in fact, quite legal, under the provisions set forth in the previously mentioned documents and others, including the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine.Is Jerusalem Sacred for Muslims?
Muslims claim that Jerusalem is sacred for two reasons: First, Muslims were initially commanded to pray toward Jerusalem. But when the Jews refused to convert to Islam, Muhammad changed the prayer direction toward Mecca. Second, Muslims believe that Muhammad ascended to heaven and back from "the Rock" which much later after his death was interpreted to mean what is today the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. Interestingly though, Islamic sources from the first 50 years or so after Muhammad's death make clear that Jerusalem had absolutely no holy status for Muslims.Why Is Israel's Presence in the Territories Still Called "Occupation"?
When an armed force holds territory beyond its own national borders, the term "occupation" is usually used to describe its holding on the land. However, not all the factual situations that we commonly think of as "occupation" fall within the limited scope of the term "occupation" as defined in international law.The History and Meaning of "Palestine" and "Palestinians"
Palestine has never existed . . . as an autonomous entity. There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs.
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