Sandy Hook. A Ruse? (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS January 8, 2013
Sandy_Hook_Memorial - Copy
We’re not the only citizens who have questioned the stories coming out of Connecticut, regarding the Sandy Hook massacre.  Now there’s a Florida professor who has a lot of questions, too. 
Florida Atlantic University (FAU) communications professor James Tracy teaches a class called “Culture of Conspiracy”.  From this story, which quotes Tracy’s blog: [emphasis added to quotes]
“As documents relating to the Sandy Hook shooting continue to be assessed and interpreted by independent researchers, there is a growing awareness that the media coverage of the massacre of 26 children and adults was intended primarily for public consumption to further larger political ends,” writes Tracy, a tenured associate professor of media history at FAU and a former union leader.
In another post, he says, “While it sounds like an outrageous claim,one is left to inquire whether the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place — at least in the way law enforcement authorities and the nation’s news media have described.”
In an article at another site, Tracy lays out many problems that he sees with this troubling incident.  In particular, he questions the behavior of well-known CT Medical Examiner (ME) H. Wayne Carver II:
An especially important yet greatly underreported feature of the Sandy Hook affair is the wholly bizarre performance of Connecticut’s top medical examiner H. Wayne Carver II at a December 15 press conference. Carver’s unusual remarks and behavior warrant close consideration because in light of his professional notoriety they appear remarkably amateurish and out of character.
H. Wayne Carver II has an extremely self-assured, almost swaggering presence in Connecticut state administration.  … In early 2012 Carver threatened to vacate his position because of state budget cuts and streamlining measures that threatened his professional autonomy over the projects and personnel he oversaw.
Along these lines the pathologist has gone to excessive lengths to demonstrate his findings and expert opinion in court proceedings. … One would therefore expect Carver to be in his element while identifying and verifying the exact ways in which Sandy Hook’s children and teachers met their violent demise.
Yet the H. Wayne Carver who showed up to the December 15 press conference is an almost entirely different man, appearing apprehensive and uncertain, as if he is at a significant remove from the postmortem operation he had overseen. The multiple gaffes, discrepancies, and hedges in response to reporters’ astute questions suggest that he is either under coercion or an imposter. While the latter sounds untenable it would go a long way in explaining his sub-pedestrian grasp of medical procedures and terminology.
The article includes video of the press conference with Carver and analysis of certain excerpts.  An example, to illustrate the type of “discrepancies”:
Reporter #2: Doctor can you tell us about the nature of the wounds. Were they at very close range? Were the children shot at from across the room?
Carver: Uhm, I only did seven of the autopsies. The victims I had ranged from three to eleven wounds apiece and I only saw two of them with close range shooting. Uh, but that’s, uh y’know, a sample. Uh, I really don’t have detailed information on the rest of the injuries.
[Given that Carver is Connecticut’s top coroner and in charge of the entire postmortem this is a startling admission.-JT]
In several spots, Carver seems to telegraph that he’s been muzzled by forces unknown.
I shouldn’t be saying this  …
he complains at one point.  His comments about the bullet fragments seem to contradict an assertion by State Police Lieutenant Vance that a Bushmaster 223 was used in the shooting.
Read all the excerpts, and it quickly becomes obvious that Carver is far from professional in detailing what ought to be cut-and-dried medical information, especially for a man who has testified to the same type of information many times at criminal trials.  Anybody who’s watched similar news conferences over the years (or the OJ trial) understands immediately that this man seems rather unfamiliar with his material.  Professor Tracy has many questions, among them:
When did Lanza arrive?
If Lanza blasted his way into the school by shooting through the glass doors, then why was no alarm sounded throughout the facility, to alert everyone to the intrusion?  This was a new security system, after all.  Why did nobody claim to hear those intial gunshots, but heard gunshots only after he was inside the building, shooting people?
How did Lanza get off so many rounds in such a short time?  Tracy provides a mathematical analysis that certainly calls into question the concept of one deranged person being able to accomplish such a feat.
Why is there NO photographic or video evidence?  Why has nobody seen the bodies, other than the police and ME Carver and his staff?  Not even the families.  They identified their deceased from photographs.
Why were “first responders” from other communities, who arrived quickly, denied access to the wounded?  Who made the call that everyone was beyond medical care?  These medical personnel were forced to set up camp at a fire station in the area, and they weren’t allowed to help.
Where is photographic evidence that evacuation of 600 studentseven took place?  There’s also controversy over whether or not the well-known photo of children being led out with their eyes closed and hands on each other’s shoulders was taken that day or on another date.  Certainly, one might question why the rest of the area around that file of children is not teeming with people.
Tracy ends with this compelling argument:
If recent history is a prelude the likelihood of citizens collectively assessing and questioning Sandy Hook is limited even given the event’s overtly superficial trappings. While the incident is ostensibly being handled by Connecticut law enforcement, early reports indicate how federal authorities were on the scene as the 911 call was received. Regardless of where one stands on the Second Amendment and gun control, it is not unreasonable to suggest the Obama administration complicity or direct oversight of an incident that has in very short order sparked a national debate on the very topic—and not coincidentally remains a key piece of Obama’s political platform.
The move to railroad this program through with the aid of major media and an irrefutable barrage of children’s portraits, “heartfelt” platitudes and ostensible tearsneutralizes a quest for genuine evidence, reasoned observation and in the case of Newtown honest and responsible law enforcement. Moreover, to suggest that Obama is not capable of deploying such techniques to achieve political ends is to similarly place ones faith inimage and interpretation above substance and established fact, the exact inclination that in sum has brought America to such an impasse.
On his personal blog,, Tracy provides a timeline of events. (This story is now on Drudge. It remains to be seen whether this tenured professor will be forced out of his job by the tolerant, First-Amendment-loving left.)
It’s of note that, today, a victim of another questionable shooting incident is being used in a cynical attempt to further inflame the issue of gun control.
Gabrielle Giffords and her husband have launched a website to lobby for gun control.   It’s basically the “anti-NRA” lobby.  How long before we learn that George Soros, or any of his many organizations, is pouring millions, if not billions, into this transparent attempt by global forces to disarm the American people?
Ironically, Giffords, herself a potential victim of what Tracy suggests may have happened at Sandy Hook, is being used to further the ends of those who may be responsible for her predicament.
Note that if you disagree with Giffords and her husband, and the wealthy global interests behind this crusade, then you’re not for “responsible” gun ownership. Responsible. That’s an interesting word, especially when you consider that millions of responsible gun owners in this country are the ones being held responsible for the multiple murders taking place throughout this country, perpetrated by IRRESPONSIBLE gun owning criminals and/or psychopaths.
When a drunk driver kills someone, we don’t take away everyone’s car.
Why are the consequences falling upon those who are law abiding citizens?  Why are their rights being infringed upon, instead of the rights of those who illegally and irresponsibly use guns?  Giffords’s op-ed states:
The children of Sandy Hook Elementary School and all victims of gun violence deserve fellow citizens and leaders who have the will to prevent gun violence in the future.
How can our government prevent gun violence in the future?
Instead of disarming responsible gun owners, punishing the owners and thousands of employees of gun-focused businesses, or infringing upon theconstitutional rights of all citizens, perhaps the government should begin by enforcing current laws, by quaranteeing the insane, by posting armed guards at schools, by locking classroom doors, and by not running guns to Mexico.
01/09/13 — I noticed a something disturbing.  Before It’s News picks up some of our posts and republishes them.  Their version of this story has a different photograph and someone has added a sentence at the very end that I did not write, even though the personal pronoun “I” is used in the last sentence of their copy, making it appear as if I called this incident “one of the biggest hoaxes I have ever seen.”  I did not write that.  I would not write that. I simply don’t know what’s going on.  I (and many, many others) have the same unanswered questions, and they do deserve answers.


  1. Hey, everyone,
    I was over at the Memory Hole blog reading the comments about Sandy Hook again. Someone posted this link, which you could have it on here:
    Have you guys seen this yet? I think the link that I got from Memory Hole is recent. I’ll go back and look for it.
    • It’s interesting to see that our friends at FOTM use the concept of “synchronicity” in their articles, too. One of my favorite spooky things. I’m reading all their posts now. It will take a while. I haven’t read any of their posts lately.
      • Check out the realistic crisis actor in this video: A zoo in Japan holding an earthquake drill and simulating a zebra on the loose. Here’s the zebra, and I swear I’m not making this up:
      • I wonder if the reason why the media used Lily Gaubert’s photo for Allison Wyatt is that an “image search” turned up Facebook photos that were falsely “tagged” as Allison when it was really Lily. Facebook uses facial recognition software to “tag” people identified elsewhere on Facebook (maybe even on the Web) by TRYING to match faces that appear in other photos on Facebook. Then, if there’s a “match”, Facebook LABELS the individual as if it’s the person, when it may not be the person, just a doppelganger. I do think those little girls resemble each other, so the “metrics” might have been close enough to make a “match”.
        This is just one of the dangers of “social media”. The errors hang out there forever. I remember talking before about how Facebook builds dossiers on people EVEN IF they don’t have Facebook pages themselves. This is one reason why they do it. To “tag” photos.
        Imagine that a grandchild posts a family photo and labels one of the people, “Grandma Smith”. Granny doesn’t have a Facebook page, so Facebook creates a dossier on her. By combing through the entries on the grandchild’s page, scrutinizing the pages of everybody labeled “family”, maybe eventually they figure out Granny’s full name. Then, if anybody else posts a photo anywhere of a woman who LOOKS ENOUGH LIKE GRANNY TO MAKE A MATCH, they just go ahead and “tag” her as Granny Smith.
        That must have been very upsetting for that woman to see her child in the news listed as among the dead. How to explain THAT to the child? The media owe that family an apology and somebody needs to investigate how it happened. If it was because of “tagging” software, then the companies ought to be held to account. Media ought to explain their “mistake”, too.
        It’s spooky enough that people have NO CONTROL over their own photo showing up on the Internet, without social media companies labeling the faces that they think they find in photos on the Web.
  2. This is from the Memory Hole blog, and it’s a cross-post. Check out what he’s saying:
    ” Rational Observer
    February 2, 2013 at 1:26 pm
    What does anyone think of this – a discussion about the meaning of so many tribute sites and grief-counselling sites seeming to have been established before the SH shooting had happened. This guy is a web developer who seems to know what he’s talking about, and he makes a persuasive case.
    He suggests the shooting was originally timed for Dec 10, but had to be scrubbed, but not before some of these website had been launched and logged at Google.
    It seems to me that such solid questions as this, and the curious anomalies surrounding the children Rosen allegedly sheltered (if all of Soto’s kids are accounted for elsewhere, then Rosen would be proved to be lying) are the kind of points that could be pursued most successfully.
    Dr. Tracey? Are you considering any further investigations?”
    • Did you read the posts by “Jeremy” who is cited in the article as somehow being involved with the software used by that Arlington school (where the Dec 10 notice was posted). I don’t know enough about computer stuff to be able to discern who is right, but I’m somewhat persuaded by his argument that there’s a logical reason for the dates. I mean, if that was actually posted on Dec
      10, wouldn’t people reading the Arlington school website have had a LOT of questions about it in the interim 4 days before the Sandy Hook thing happened, and wouldn’t they have had even MORE questions when it actually happened?
      • SEO, I did read that and it is plausible that what Jeremy says is correct. I know what the other person is talking about, with regard to databases, and both of them could be right. I thought the same thing: wouldn’t a parent immediately call the school and ask them what they’re talking about? What incident at Sandy Hook?
        If people put in the date for a post, then I can totally see how someone could mistakenly date an article: copy and paste. I do it all the time but I usually catch it if I forget to change the date. For example, I copy and paste the line at the top of all my posts because it’s just quicker and easier than typing it again. I copy from my last post and put it in the new post, when I’m writing it. It’s possible to forget to change the date. I’ve caught myself doing it. If I ever didn’t catch it, well, then–I wouldn’t know! :)
        • Did you know the state of CT (says they) will issue a death certificate to anyone who requests? For $20. Just for everyone’s information…
          • That’s interesting. I would imagine some basic information would be required: Like full name and date of death. Surely Orly knows this. If she doesn’t, then one has to wonder. It’s the same with her saying that the SSA won’t release his SS application. I found a law that says that they ASSUME death after 120 years. So all she has to do is request it and NOT give any SS#. Just give what she does have: Name, birth year (hoping they don’t require month and day), residence, etc. Don’t mention BARRY, either. Bounel, if he died in CT, would have to show up on a death index somewhere. Most states have a searchable index so you know what record you’re requesting, don’t they? She doesn’t KNOW where he died. He might have died in NYC. As I learned from our research into Sandy Hook stuff, they consider parts of CT the “greater NY metro area.” Who knew? So somebody who lived in NYC might die in Jersey. That much I did know because of the proximity. Somebody can get a SS# in CT and later move to NYC, Massachusetts, NJ, CT. I go back to my original advice to her: Brick by brick. Piece by piece. Build from the bottom up, not the top down. She doesn’t even know that the Harry Bounel, born 1890, is the “Harrison Bounel” who’s somehow connected to the Obamas.
            I remember that while looking at the Kenyan archives, it struck me how often I found the name “Harrison”. What a strange name for Kenyans. I can’t explain it, but there it is. I remember remarking here: What if “Harrison Bounel” is a corruption of “Harrison B. Ouma”. Those databases are rife with errors. They’re data aggregators. You can see the errors with your own eyes. One person makes a typo and the “facts” live forever on the Web and in those databases. Skip tracers ought to know these things if someone like me, not a skip tracer, does.
          • They have two forms apparently. This one:
            If you want it from the town records and another if you want State Vital Record.
            It says deaths after 1997 won’t have the SS# unless you’re a relative, funeral director etc…but states clearly that ANYONE can request.
            I was actually thinking of Sandy Hook, but then Harrison B occurred to me also.
        • but a file creation date would automatically be most likely correct, no matter what date you mistakenly put on your article. THere’s a big difference and Google or other servers would probably have an automatic creation date when the file shows up to go out.
          • That’s apples and oranges, but you may be right about that. We don’t know, however, how Google works and I bet they’re not saying. Have there been any examples presented of anybody actually seeing these articles anywhere BEFORE the 14th?
          • yeah, I don’t really know either, just thinking out loud I guess. There are so many other things wrong with this incedent, I haven’t really bothered to check on this contraversy. My husband’s face fook is filled with people sending things on Sandy Hook….there must still be a great deal of interest. He doesn’t usually pay attention to this stuff, but he’s been bombarded with stuff about it. He’s has shown me some of it….and there’s still swarms of different stories out there.
  3. duplicate. see here. Comment about killing of SEAL Kyle.
    • Opp’s, wrong post!
    • The first thing I thought: What did he know and when did he know it? Routh a patsy, fall guy, another Lanza (false flag), or perhaps a Jack Ruby (and/or hired). I don’t believe this. It’s bizarre enough that Doherty died in Benghazi after being left to die (like Serpico–no help given, simply withheld until events took their course). Doherty, remember, was involved in taking out the pirates that Barry did NOT want taken out (unless that was Woods). He was involved in responding to the attack on the Cole. What are the odds, huh?
      • Miri, the shooter lived at one time at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. I had done some research when Alfy mentioned this name – Alton Ray Baysden, the name was connected to Malik Obama. This connection creeped me out, to say the least.
        Alton Ray Baysden’s brother’s obit -
        Elmer Harold Baysden
        (October 1, 1923 – October 28, 2012)
        Elmer H. Baysden,age 89, died Sunday, October 28, 2012 in Onslow Memorial Hospital, Jacksonville, NC
        Funeral Service: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:00 AM
        First Christian Church of Richlands, Richlands, NC
        Visitation: One hour prior the service
        Interment: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 2:00 PM
        Coastal Carolina State Veterans Cemetery, Jacksonville,NC
        Survivors: Wife of 66 years: Ola Gray Brown Baysden, Richlands, NC
        Sons: Ronald M. Baysden, Richlands, NC
        Michael R. Baysden, Richlands, NC
        Brother: Alton Baysden and wife Joyce, Kinston, NC
        Sister: Maxine Howard, Jacksonville, NC
        Grandson: Christopher M. Baysden and wife Laura, Durham
        Memorial Contributions may be made to First Christian Church of Richlands, Richlands, NC
        Alton Baysden of Kinston, NC only a few miles from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
        Also – was this guy a relative? Furniture store 1950′s, counterfeit money to advance their agenda/cause? keep in mind Jacksonville, North Carolina is only a few miles also of Kinston, NC and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. I had found at one time an obit (posted here somewhere on one of the post’s) A Stanley Ann Dunham obit for either GA or NC. Just say’in..the connection, just too close for comfort…know what I mean? Pakistan, Dunham, Baysden, the shooter, the Camp Lejeune area connection. Throw all into the mix and it becomes – real? start’s to connect?
        271 F.2d 325: William Earl Baysden, Appellant, v. United States of America, Appellee
        United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit. – 271 F.2d 325
        Argued Oct. 7, 1959.Decided Oct. 21, 1959
        William Earl Baysden and another1 were the defendants in the District Court. Baysden operated a furniture store in Jacksonville, North Carolina. During the summer months of 1958 United States Secret Service Agents became aware that counterfeit notes were being circulated in the community of Jacksonville and were investigating the matter. On the morning of September 19, 1958, P. E. Thigpen, a civil service employee of the Federal Government at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, told Talmadge W. Bailey, one of the Secret Service Agents engaged in the investigation, of an experience he had the previous day at the defendant’s store. He said that a salesman was showing him refrigerators and deep freezers and that the salesman had difficulty in opening one of the freezers but, finally, when the door came open he was of box inside which, when opened by the salesman, disclosed a quantity of what appeared to be $20.00 bills and that the salesman said that it was ‘play money’ and put the box back into the freezer and closed the door.
        Armed with the search warrant, the two agents went to the store. Agent Spicer first entered alone to observe the situation inside. He pretended to be interested in the purchase of a refrigerator and was taken to the wall against which the refrigerators were placed. He noticed one with a ‘Sold’ tag on it and with some difficulty was able to open it. Inside he saw some boxes but did not open them. He then went outside and joined Agent Bailey and other State and Government officers who had assembled to make the search. They entered the store, read the warrant to the defendant, and searched the place. They came to the freezer which Agent Spicer had opened a short time before and opening it with some difficulty found twenty boxes which contained $776,680.00 in counterfeit $20 bills. The defendant was then arrested and indicted.
        Maybe….my mind is in overload, putting too much into it maybe, the connection? What do you think?
        • I’d guess that those Baysdens are related. It’s an unusual name and living in the same city? Seems likely. Yes, what a coincidence–the furniture store in the late 50s. Counterfeiters.
          About that shooting: Other than that this shooter didn’t “kill himself” after shooting the others, it very much resembles the other implausible events we’ve seen over the last four years. A veteran with PTSD (memes: mentally ill with guns, “victim” of GWB’s wars, vets are a danger–they’re all crazy, so disarm them all). Other veterans take him to the shooting range and somehow that’s supposed to help him with his affliction? Too many questions to ask and which probably won’t be answered, but we’ll see. Today’s paper’s story at least said that because Kyle took out so many in the Middle East, there was a “hit” out on him. So, first question: Why do they suspect the guy they arrested?
          You can already imagine the spin: even these trained veterans didn’t recognize the danger. They took him to the shooting range with no clue about what he could do. He got the guns legally, so …
          • So now he’s conveniently deceased. A strong authoritative voice against gun control silenced.
            Another coincidence in the Obamanation. I’m publishing a post about Kyle’s murder, so we have one place to consolidate the comments. It may or may not become an ongoing story. Time will tell. Why are so many of our SEALS being killed?
          • ‘American Sniper’ Chris Kyle shot dead in a post-combat world
            … Kyle’s autobiography was unapologetically politically incorrect: During one visit home between deployments, he got a tattoo of a crusader cross on his arm.
            “I wanted everyone to know I was a Christian,” Kyle wrote. “I had it put in in red, for blood. I hated the damn savages I’d been fighting. I always will. They’ve taken so much from me.” 
            Authorities said they tracked Routh to his home in Lancaster, Texas, on Saturday evening, where police tried to persuade him to turn himself in. Instead, he made a break for it, and police gave chase.
            He was arrested without a fight after officers spiked his tires on a freeway, Bryant said. A handgun was found in his home, authorities said. They wouldn’t comment on whether he had any other weapons.”
            So he shot those guys, left them dead, and went home. When cops showed up, he ran.
            I added both of the above stories to the new post.
        • you know what else is linked to Malik Obama…..THe Alaska Daily News paper (one of them). I don’t have it in front of me right now, but in searching some other Obama names one address site that shows where one worked previously….it said Malik has worked for Alaska Newspaper….wonder when and how this was associated with his name? Anybody take a stab at it.
          • That’s a new one on me, alfy. I NEVER heard of Malik having anything to do with Alaska or working for a newspaper. Anybody know?
    • Interesting. NOW they fence in the school and employ video surveillance. Too bad there’s no video (that we know of) of Lanza arriving at the school. How much did that all cost, why did they do it, and for how long will the public (and the media, too, no doubt) be kept from the school? If there WERE cameras around the school before, they’re gone now. The couple saw none.
      “My partner and I spoke with a couple in their early twenties for an hour or so. They were life long locals. Eventually they asked why we were in Newtown and we told them we had heard of their tragedy. They did not comment further and we did not push the issue. Later, I mentioned that I had read online where some people had suggested that Newtown might have a lively Satanic community. One of the two locals remarked, “I could believe that.””
      When they asked the newspaper editor about reports that the man in the woods was a cop from another jurisdiction:
      “Mr. Clark told me that there was a number of “conspiracy theories floating around” and “some of them even suggest that the shooting didn’t even happen.” Furthermore, “ debunks many of these conspiracy theories.””
      Snopes! Sounds like a talking point, huh? Why not FactCheck? Round up the usual suspects.
      They went to the police station to ask for the identity of the person in the woods:
      “The female sergeant told me that the man detained was the uncle of a student at the school who had gone to get his niece.”
      Now what’s interesting is that the only alternate story I read was that this man was the guy who went early to the school to make gingerbread men with the kids for Christmas, and he was going to the school to look for his OWN CHILD.
      “I asked about the police scanner audio where the dispatcher reports that a caller from inside the school saw “two shadows” run by the gym at the back of the school.
      Additionally, an officer apparently arriving at the scene stated
      I’ve got ‘em (sic). They are running at me down Crestwood.”
      Crestwood Drive borders that backside of the school beyond some woods. The sergeant told me that this was the confusion of the day and that there were not two individuals.
      “It was just someone that went crazy, killed a bunch of people and then killed himself,” she said consolingly.
      “You have nothing to worry about. You are safe.”
      I still wonder.”
      So in the confusion of the day, people inside the school saw two shadows, the person on the scanner reported that, and thenanother cop tells the dispatcher that s/he SEE THE TWO running right on the road that the people in the school said they were on? But it was just “confusion”? Right. I still wonder, too.
    • Quite an interesting read there, including the comments. I have one question that is nagging me, however.
      On of the last comments has links to the principals tweets, and the volunteer fire dept. If you go to the links, look at the date of the fire drill according to the fire dept. It states Oct. 12, and it is raining.
      Go to the principal’s tweets, and she says it’s Oct. 17, and it’s a nice day. Am I missing something?
      Also, the fire dept. has posted a picture of the kids outside the school. Would the trees have started changing colors by Oct. 12th in CT?
    • Here’s an interesting link i ran into reading the link ^ ^
      its a conversation (and seems like eavesdropping)
  4. I don’t know if we’ve linked or read these before, but here are two more versions of what’s going on with Sandy Hook:
    I haven’t read them yet myself.
    • what’s to surveil now?
      My question is how come this sleepy little town has swat ready teams and federal looking police and so many to that school in minutes and the roads are blocked”””and how are some 600 students taken to the firehouse, what vehicles were used for that…and where are they? that would be quite a fete and a show too….to have that many at a firehouse, yet no pictures, no newspaper article with an unsual photo such as that….firemen and firehouses are a big attention grabber for a swarthy news article, yet no article like that.
      • Good point, alfy. You know how the media loves to praise the (unionized, public employee) first responders. (I’m not saying they’re not praiseworthy; I’m just pointing out what alfy said–it’s out of character for the lamestream.) The sheer lack of PANIC is what strikes me about this whole thing. If it were a drill that turned into the real thing, then that might explain the lack of panic, for those who didn’t yet realize what truly happened. They might discount news reports about a shooting, thinking it was all part of the drill. If it was a drill, then that explains the glut of first responders, etc., in that “sleepy little town.” What kind of budget do they have, anyway? With all that new fencing and the cameras, it almost appears as if it’s now more important to protect the crime scene than it was to protect those kids. What kind of school doesn’t have alarms when the doors/windows are broken? Doesn’t have locks on doors? It didn’t make sense that day and it still doesn’t make sense. There’s an air of surreality around it and I sensed that on day one.
    • I did skim these yesterday and it seemed valid until I hit the part about Israel being behind the shooting, and then it all derailed. Take it for what it’s worth.
    • CT State Emergency System Hijacked
      We can now prove that the entire CT State emergency communications system was ‘hijacked’ and ‘unplugged’ on December 14th., 2012, per an elaborate frequency change plan implemented merely 5 hours in advance on that morning, effectively supplanting and replacing normal police and EMS with FEMA / DHS ‘shadow’ command center personnel, where it turns out that they (the HOAX perpetrators from FEMA) made one critical mistake that they hoped nobody would catch. But last night, I caught it. During the listening to the plethora of radio scanner audio recordings, I finally had a chance to hear the infamous plate run of the black Honda. I had for weeks taken for granted that others who heard it would have validated it as either fakery or reality but nobody caught the fact it is in it’s entirely, FAKE.
      Police and Dispatch, nation wide, use a very time honored ALPHA PHONETIC System to enunciate alpha numeric data between the officers and the dispatchers.It is different from what military use, and it is so ingrained and dyed into the wool of real law enforcement and dispatchers for a good reason. Any error can cost not only the officer his life, but potentially cost others their lives either by sending people to the wrong address or by implicating the wrong person in a crime, or missing a criminal during a CODE TEN run on the person through the system.
      During the course of the running of the black Honda, this ALPHA PHONETIC police and dispatch protocol was totally out the window and not used at all.
      • Bridgette, where does the info in your post come from? One of the above links?
        • Yes, it was from one of the URL’s that Miri cited. I added the URL it so it is clear where the info came from.
          There are also screenprints of the radio frequency transmissions as proof that the normal transmissions were operational but the ones about Sandy Hook were on another channel. I didn’t know that this information was available.
      • Wow. That’s interesting. As I said, I skimmed it yesterday and I didn’t even catch that part. I wonder if there’s anything to it?
        • It is interesting, as is the concern you cited below about “other suspects”. I am getting a little (ok, a LOT) weary of claims of PROOF, however, the turn out to be more like…evidence, or speculation?? Or, they require such a specialized degree of knowledge of a subject (such as how police dispatchers ALWAYS talk to each other) that it’s impossible for the average person to know.
        • What’s creepy as hell is what he writes about the photo of the Parkers. I picked up on the fact that Emilie seems added in and excluded but the thing about the fingers. They DO look photoshopped. It’s disturbing.
          • I know!!!!!!! Is it possible (well, anything is possible but I think it needs to be at least considered for the sake of unbiased research) someone doctored it after the fact? That is, to MAKE it look creepy? Cuz it sure is.
          • It is possible. I guess we’d have to look for other examples. What is the provenance of that photo, anyway? Isn’t it curious that it seems that the only family that met with Barry and took photos with him, just 2 days after the massacre of their little Emilie, were the Parkers? And it looked like such a happy occasion, too. If that WASN’T two days later, then WHEN exactly was it that the family met Barry?
          • oh, from the get go~ that “family” photo is the stupidest thing I ever saw.
            who do they think they’re kidding?
          • Although, I don’t find it odd at all that she’s sitting “by herself” as some people have pointed out. The other two are basically toddlers, and she’s in school. To me it’s a perfectly normal place for her to be seated.
  5. Sandy Hook DA cites ‘potential suspects’, fears witnesses safety
    • Say what?
      Sandy Hook DA cites ‘potential suspects,’ fears witness safety
      Connecticut State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky has argued that unsealing warrants in the Sandy Hook case might “seriously jeopardize” the investigation by disclosing information known only to other “potential suspects.”
      Sedensky said that unsealing the warrants would also:
      identify persons cooperating with the investigation,thus possibly jeopardizing their personal safety and well-being.”
      The statement by the CT prosecutor’s office is the first indication from state authorities that Adam Lanza may have not acted alone. [Or at all?] The statement was made in support of a motion to continue the seal on the results of five search warrants for 90 more days. …
      Little else is known about what the authorities may be referring to in support of the motion to seal the affidavits for another 90 days beyond the normal statutory allowance of 14 days. Lt. Vance did say in a press conference on December 15, 2012, somewhat apologetically for not being able to answer all of the reporters’ questions, that there were “some cards that we’re holding close to our vest.”
      State’s Attorney Sedensky wrote in the motion that:
      “No arrests have been made and none are currently anticipated, but have not been ruled out.”
      Sedensky said:
      “There is information in the search warrant affidavits that is not known to the general public” … ”
      At the link, they have an image of the motion.
    • How the post-Sandy Hook gun control push spectacularly backfired in America
      In the aftermath of the tragic Sandy Hook shooting, the gun grabbers across America unleashed a full court press to try to wholly disarm American citizens. With the help of the incessantly anti-gun mainstream media, people like Biden, Bloomberg, Cuomo, Feinstein and Obama managed to stir up a frenzy of fabricated fear that promised all our children would be violently gunned down if we didn’t immediately agree to turn in all our guns and ammo magazines.
      The push for gun control, however, has spectacularly backfired. In reality, it has hardened the positions of gun rights advocates while massively increasing the number of AR-15s and other firearms sold across the country.
      The backfire is far worse than the gun grabbers could have possibly imagined when they launched their efforts on the graves of the dead Sandy Hook children. …”
      Article continues with evidence to support why it backfired, including the run on guns and how hundreds of thousands have JOINED the NRA.
  6. if this is a lie, then someone went to an awful lot of trouble. wow, reads like a novel. its a comment from the link from upthred:
    January 30, 2013 at 2:15 pm
    Ok, I’ve not seen this out much – but, what
    I think one of the more interesting aspects to this is the relation of the Iroquois gas line, the major squabble over it being put in through where Sandy Hook elementary is, and that also most all of the victims houses line up to where the gas line as put through. Coincidentally, many of the houses the victims were supposed to have lived in at the time of the shooting were all sold on 12/25/09, which is the same time Iroquois gas, Newtown, and the State of Connecticut can be found to have purchased most, if not almost all of the victims homes – which in another remarkable coincidence..all line up under where Iroquois Gas ran their new line.
    Here is some of the info, and Ill leave the link where you can see the maps of how the homes have been plotted via google ~ and they line up perfectly (along w Sandy Hook Ele.) w the gas line.
    While reviewing property appraisal records of the Sandy Hook victims, I noticed that there are many cases where “last sold date” is listed as 12/25/09 – too many to be a coincidence. I looked at the entries for these properties in more detail and none of them correlate with that date (12/25/09). They have various sale dates listed but nothing on 12/25/09.
    Here’s an example – 37 Yogananda St.
    While looking at areas near Sandy Hook school, I noticed that Treadwell Park is right behind it. Look closely at the sign at the park: (It says “Iroquois Gas Transmission System”, St. of Conn. etc) In the Region: Connecticut and Westchester; Making the Iroquois Pipeline Palatable
    May 24, 1992
    THE Iroquois Gas Transmission System may have found an aspirin for the headaches its highway and corporate construction projects cause communities they intrude upon.(…)..Embarked on a $10 million program to compensate 60 New York State and Connecticut towns disrupted by the installation of its 370-mile-long natural gas pipeline. The money will pay for the purchase of open space and the enhancement of environmental and recreational facilities. (cont.)
    Announcement in 1986 of the taking of private property under a Federal mandate created a firestorm of protest in the affected towns. In Connecticut, residential communities beginning with Sherman at the crossover point from New York State, then winding through New Milford, Brookfield, Newtown, (both articles @ link)
    Phase 1, a 1.6 mile pipeline loop in Newtown, CT, was placed into service November 14, 2008.
    From this newsletter, here are a couple of photos of the pipeline installations. Also note that the newsletter is from Winter ’09 which would be consistent with the “last sold date” of 12/25/09.
    ***I looked at all the properties of the child victim’s homes since they all live in and around Sandy Hook. I believe the adult victims are all from residing areas, outside of the Newtown area.
    I mapped the school and all of the victim’s properties and compared it to the gas line loop just to see if there was any commonality.
    (Posted Image)
    **As you can see, many of the homes are right near the gas line loop. The bottom marker is actually Fan Hill Rd in Monroe. I marked it just to see where it fell on the line since the new Sandy Hook school is supposedly there.
    Many of the victim’s properties show that at least some of the homes were purchased by Iroquois Gas, the state of Connecticut and the town of Newtown. This happens to be the street where the Pozner’s are supposed to live..**
    Another thing that’s very odd is that all of the streets in Sandy Hook appear to be privately owned. You are not able to see them with Google Street View. I can’t see any of the homes of victims and I looked around in the general area and none of the side streets can be viewed.
    I looked at my own street in my subdivision and I could see it with street view. The street behind me is private and sure enough, I couldn’t use Street view on it.
    If you look at the victim’s properties on Spokeo, the majority of them don’t show up as a residence. You can see a house but it isn’t highlighted as a residence with a list of names.
    I also found a couple of websites that list Newtown schools but do not include Sandy Hook school.
    To view the rest, maps most of all go to;
    I find this to be more than interesting (and yet another WILD coincidence)…that so many of the victims homes, and the school would line up right under recently acquired property of Iroquois Gas, St. of Conn. and Newtown Also remember how many ppl were relatively new to the area, even a neighbor of the Lanzas said that while most neighbors knew each other – they did not know the Lanzas.
    Just take a look at the maps on this link, and I think it will “click” for you – that here again..something just isnt right here.
    Also along w Adam Lanza being shown as having died a day before, he also does not show up as being an associated person w Peter and Nancy – only Ryan shows up. (and recall the first stories that were sourced to unnamed officials – about how there was a body found in Ryans Hoboken Apartment, and that his girlfriend and her friend were missing!? It was even in the first reports that Peter Lanza was dead –
    My point is – this isnt just confusion from trying to report quickly on an intense story – these were entirely different story lines!
    I hope someone here would lay this out, pictures that it is easier for the viewer to see what I tried to explain in words.
    Although this isnt direct evidence of anything – I think it is an important part of piecing this highly strange story together.
    February 4, 2013 at 12:49 am
    Reply to Lee: Tremendous research. Thank you.
    • So is this inferring that the homes were really vacant and ready to be torn down? This is beyond belief. How many people would have to be involved in such a conspiracy that no one would have a conscience and come forward with the truth? Did actors take residence in the “sold” homes? Was there ever a full listing of the children that died? Or was it piecemeal information, with a funeral service here and there? How many relatives from out of town went to those funerals?
      • think about this. 600 students in one school, they all have parents, and extended family members and friends, many living in other States, perhaps… nary a peep.
      • I was going to ask the same questions. Were the homes built on top the pipeline and then bought out because people found out that the pipeline was there and there was fear of leaks? Was the pipeline built after the homes, somehow placed beneath them with a big drilling machine, like they sometimes use for sewer systems, and THEN they bought out the homes? Were these homes vacant or did the people simply get some kind of compensation? Or did the company buy them out and then resell them to people after disclosing that the pipeline is there? Too many variables. So was the school itself on top the gas pipeline?
        • following the links from the original Link, we find that there was a book written about the area during the 60s and this school wasn’t even mentioned as existing. the links are very interesting with maps and graphs….
        • take notice of this New York paper article. Notice what it says about school districts that have to comply with the appraisals and how they stand to lose the MOST ReVENUE for towns (but not if your school had to be torn down for some reason?). Could this same scenerio be happening for Newtown.
          Then looking further I notice that Iroquois gas was helping (sponsor/money donations) sponsor a boys and Girls Club in a nearby area,as was a Newtown Bank)…hmm.
          Also, a Canada gas company, TRANSCANADA is 44.5 percent of Iroquois Gas Transmission Stystem. They connect somewhere in New York and serve much of EAST Coast. Hmmmmm……..There’s more.
          Wonder who owns stock in Iroquois Gas… this some backdoor to Keystone? There is also Iroquois County ,Waseka ,Illionois….that’s 60 miles from Chicago….thought I’d see what connects it might have, because Iroq.Gas lines there too.
          First check this quick article …as I think it would help in your ‘thinking cap’.

          • I’ve been looking for news articles. It seems as if there was a quid pro quo going on between environmentalists and NIMBYs on one hand and the gas corp. on the other. It seems as if in return for the “taking” of the right of way, they had to buy up and return to “green space” other properties. That park is one of the properties that was given in return for the right of way. I don’t know enough about real estate to know whether or not they also bought out properties that were considered “distressed” on account of being next to or over that gas pipeline. It’s possible. I saw on one site somewhere the allegation that the Parkers paid about $389,000 for their home in Sandy Hook within the past year or so? However long they were in the area. I thought I saw somewhere that they came from Utah and very recently. Since the town was “renovated” beginning in 2010. I don’t know about home values in CT, but I do know that everything on the east coast, especially in bedroom communities, is pricey. Those look like large homes, so they’d be even more expensive, especially if newer, which they look to be. In the good ole Midwest, homes like that cost FAR MORE than $389,000, although less now that Barney Fwank has destroyed the housing market. In any case, maybe they got a good deal on foreclosures or maybe a good deal because the homes were re-sold as distressed by the gas company. It would be interesting to know. It’s rather curious that the website had the same date of last sale for many of the victims’ homes, but it might be an anomaly, where the program defaults to a date of creation of the record, in lieu of having the correct date? It may be that the company bought more properties than they needed to return to green space, and so when they realized they didn’t need to raze them and make another park out of them, they decided to sell, which also would explain why the people living in them were relatively new to the area.
      • Don’t know but I do recall victim families asking/demanding no reporters/cameras/journalists please, just let us have our funerals and grieve in peace. I thought, ..really… but then maybe there was another alterior motive behind that request. We did get one or two funerals ,although they seemed to be capitalized on in such a way, that again, they almost seemed rehearsed.
    • In August 2011, there were only 8 schools listed and no Sandy Hook. They’ve put a robots txt on the website for the Newtown Public Schools, so there’s no way to see what it said before this event. However, I did find archived news articles that mentioned the Sandy Hook school. There’s a page for Sandy Hook here: It contains graphs showing historical information about things such as test scores, going back to 2004. Maybe the databases that don’t show it are simply not up to date?
      • You know what’s odd? It’s such a sparsely populated area, from the satellite maps of the “village” of Sandy Hook, that I wonder where 600 kids would come from to go to elementary school there. If it’s that they were bused in from the rural areas around the school, then one would expect to see a whole bunch of buses in the parking lot. Did you see any?
    • here’s what these gas line thingies entail.
      if you read this, scroll down and find the Northeast Hubs.
      i had no idea of this “industry”… intracontinental. makes me wonder what is bad about the Keystone Pipeline??? rumor has it that its in the hands of China on our Terrain… who knows.
    • Press release from Iroquois Gas, apparently. I can’t link it.
      “SHELTON, Conn., Nov. 17 /PRNewswire/ — Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P. (“Iroquois”) announced today that ithas completed Phase I of its 08/09 Expansion Project placing a new 1.6 mile pipeline loop in-service. The loop, located in Newtown, CT, began flowing natural gas on November 14, 2008.
      The 08/09 Expansion Project, planned in three phases, will allow Iroquois to receive an additional 200 million cubic feet per day of natural gas at its interconnect with Algonquin Pipeline in Brookfield, CT and deliver the volumes to National Grid’s KeySpan system at South Commack, Long Island.
      Phase II, construction of two new 10,300 horsepower compressor units in Milford, CT, is currently underwaywith a targeted in-service date of January 1, 2009. The third phase, construction of a second 10,300 horsepower compressor unit at Iroquois’ existing Brookfield Compressor Station in Brookfield, CT, is expected to begin by year’s end.
      About Iroquois
      Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P. is the owner of an interstate pipeline extending 411 miles from the US-Canadian border at Waddington, NY, through the state of Connecticut to South Commack, Long Island, NY and Hunts Point, Bronx, NY. The company is regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”). Since going into operation in December 1991, Iroquois has more than doubled its design day throughput capacity which will increase to 1.45 Bcf/d following the completion of the 08/09 Expansion Project. The pipeline is operated by the Iroquois Pipeline Operating Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Iroquois.
      Iroquois is a Limited Partnership owned by affiliates of TransCanada PipeLines Limited, Dominion Resources, Inc., National Grid U.S., New Jersey Resources and Energy East Corp.”
  7. wonder who has these joppps… another industry; another network.