Tuesday, November 6, 2012

When a sitting president

When a sitting president meets only 5 times with his jobs committee,
when a president thinks the National Anthem should be changed to “We are the World” so we don’t incite our enemies,
when a sitting president believes the American Flag needs to be more subdued so we don’t incite our enemies,
when his wife is disgusted at a flag folding ceremony
when as a Senator he voted for every increase in the military budget,
when tax payers are paying $4500 more a year under his first 4 years
when salary pay is less than when he took office,
when he HIDES the fact that there are fewer jobs but hey... jobs reports show improvement! Unemployment is almost 15%
when more people are on welfare due to his administration,
when teen jobless rates are higher than any other president,
when the black unemployment rate is higher than when he took office,
when the National Credit rating is down graded twice in 2 years,
when he demands to see Romney’s tax records for 10 years, but can't show his high school record?
when he can’t remember the make or color of his first car, what guy can’t remember their first car?
when he can’t explain why he has a Connecticut Social Security Number but he nor his Mother had ever been to that state
when he cites Mitt's Cayman accounts while HE HIMSELF has off shore accounts AND investments in China.
when he's for equal pay for women but pays his female workers 16% less
when he freezes Federal pay but then gives his male employees pay raises, making them some of the highest paid Fed workers
when education costs are higher BECAUSE of his agenda,
when he won’t/can’t explain how he paid for any of his College tuition
when military salaries are the lowest in 65 years,
when more service members are now eligible for food stamps,
when military retirees healthcare premiums are 10% higher and rising again next year,
when exiting service members unemployment rates are double under his administration
when healthcare costs are 20% higher BECAUSE of his agenda,
when more jobs have been outsourced overseas because of his pocketbook,
when he openly laughed at the $850 billion snafu we all commonly refer to as Stimulus,
when the average age of a farmer is 65 and we're worried about non-existent green jobs
when he fails to produce green jobs and training for those non-existing jobs
when he points fingers and blames Wall Street but has 3 Goldmann-Sachs executives on his committee,
when he doubles the deficit and has no budget for 4 years,
when he can not get ONE vote from a democratic senate for his budget
when he says he will have the most transparent administration but can't give ONE answer to the murders in BenGhazi
when he, as commander in chief, allows the murder of 4 Americans on U.S soil in Libya
when a president says he will cross the aisle to get things done and hasn't signed a jobs bill in 4 years,
when he allows a racist group to intimidate voters
when he kills 300 Mexicans while running guns and hides the truth behind Executive Order
when he kills 3 federal agents while running guns and hides the truth behind Executive Order,
when he illegally orders Federal Agents to disregard Immigration Laws,
when he illegally threatens States for following Federal Laws,
when he has Federal Investigators research a Sheriffs job performance for 4 YEARS only because he’s a Republican, finding nothing and wasting tax payers money
when he pledges to be out of 2 wars in ONE YEAR and doubles our death toll
when he promises to rescind the Patriot Act and increases it
when he pledges to close GITMO in ONE YEAR
when he pledges to create jobs but doesn't and CAN'T
when he promises to cut the deficit and then doubles it
when he continuously blames a past president for higher gas prices when he in fact has the highest gas prices in U.S history
when he pledges to bring Americans together and racially divides us more than any President
when he pledges to kick lobbyists out of Washington and instead hires 23 of them for staffing
when he pledges to kick lobbyists out of Washington and instead has more than any previous president
when he promises to give Americans 24 hours to look at bills before they're passed but doesn't
when he promises aid to stricken states and it takes 5 days
when he's taken more vacation time and more golf days than any other president
when he promises to help returning service members and instead cuts budgeting
when he places a socialist into the SCOTUS, who leans so far left she tilts while walking
when he states he doesn't believe in polls but ONLY follows what polls say

It's time for a new President!
when he is more in tune with special interest groups than 78% of Americans
when he allows the killing of the American Bald Eagle because of a small group, even though the U.S Forestry Service keeps dead ones specifically for their use
when he hires devout Communists, Socialist and Marxists as Czars
when he stops the building of a NEW factory in S.C because one of his Czars is the chief competitor,
when he attends a racist church for 20+ years but never listened to his Reverend,
when he states his reverend of 20+ years is not a good friend but videos prove otherwise
when he hires one of the most socialist reverends in America and doesn't attend any church on a regular basis but attacks Mormonism
when he attempts to force churches to handout condoms and contraceptives against their religious beliefs,
when a president dismisses The National Day of Prayer and does not attend,
when he refuses to salute the flag,
when he lackadaisically salutes the flag with his LEFT hand,
when he attacks a man's wife because she's was a stay at home mom,
when he attacks a woman because her child is autistic,
when he waits 2.5 years to meet with his own cabinet,
when he rats out our beloved Navy Seals after THEY kill Osama and 26 Seals end up dead
when he has a movie created about the Navy Seals but touts HIS victory in killing Osama,
when close to 78% of service members won’t vote for him,
when over 90% of Navy Seals won’t vote for him,
when he rats out the Doctor who helped in finding Osama, btw where is he today?
when he releases National Security documents to the world,
when he asks for U.N observers to illegally come onto U.S soil to watch voting in sovereign states,
when he illegally taxes Americans to fund obamacare, remember congress signed obamacare thinking it was a penalty not a tax!
when he creates a 30 hour work week (WTH is that???)
when he calls all Law Enforcement stupid
when he has to publicly mediate between a personal friend and nationally disgraced cop over a beer because of what HE said
when he says "I wish I had a son like him" with no evidence either way in the Martin/Zimmerman case
when he has standing orders not to investigate black on white hate crimes,
when he terminates NASA programs and then gives money to Muslim terrorists to educate them on NASA… WTH!
when he promises to fix the auto industry and then forces over 1200 car dealerships closures
when he uses the stimulus to payback campaign bundlers by giving OUR money to known failing green companies
when he has Bundlers on staff
when he allows green energy companies to go bankrupt and private investors (himself included) to get their money back first
when he has food quality inspectors in our homes/schools while his family eats $300 lobster dinners
when he signs a healthcare law that he himself is exempt from
when he exempts unions from the healthcare law until????
when HIS Congress exempts themselves from obamacare,
when he tells energy companies that they will fail if the build new power plants,
when he allows off shore drilling by foreign companies but cuts American drilling by 50%
when he cuts mining and drilling by 60% unemploying millions of U.S workers
when he secretly and illegally asks major companies to not release job losses until 2013
when he needs a HELP LINE in all 3 debates and the MODERATOR has the information at hand
when he won't meet with the only friend and ally we have in the Middle East
when he goes on a Apology Tour and refuses to have dinner with a Jewish Ally
when he blames a video.. blames terrorist, blames a video, blames terrorists, blames Clinton….
when he has FEDERAL AGENTS arrest a video producer on STATE parole violations
when he bankrolls and arms the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda
when he disregards Russian pleas to not arm the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda as it will destabilize the region
when he praises the Arab Summer and Spring in which millions die
when he receives the Nobel Peace Prize for killing millions,
when he receives the Nobel Peace Prize for having us in more wars; North Africa, Republic of Georgia, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, and Afghanistan,
when he allows the democratic party to call Patriotic Americans, “Racists, Baby killers, Extremists, and terrorists“,
when his 2012 agenda are his 2008 promises redux,
When one of his ‘people’ states “When we RULE”….. funny I always thought it was PRESIDE
when he campaigns stating “Vote for Revenge”

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