Friday, November 16, 2012

On Secession and Obamacare

On Secession and Obamacare
The secession phenomenon has swept America.  Progressives, responsible for fundamentally transforming American principles that have prevailed for over two centuries, are calling supporters crybabies.  Conservatives are divided.  Some patriots want to recapture America.  Others want to recreate it.  In reality, the movement has virtually no chance of succeeding.  It’s merely an expression of discontent.
As for our progressive friends, their goals are different from ours so there is simply no way to reason with them.  As such, let’s focus on the conservative divide.  Instead of the schism, I suggest cooperation.  Rick Perry, Governor of Texas (the only state that really has a chance of secession), has rejected the idea.  There is no shame in maintaining American pride.  After all, we, as conservatives, believe this is the best country in the world.  But we believe so because of its founding principles:  one nation under God; the freedom to pursue happiness; and the value of hard work.  These values still exist in America, but only among a minority of us.  So, we are faced with a very human decision:  fight or flight.  
Let’s face it, what little respect the rest of the world had for us is dwindling.  But that’s not because conservatives are being babies, it is because most of the world is accustomed to being taken care of.  They accept government dependence.  So while they laugh at us, the joke is on them.  The point of this, however, is to say that we can leave America, but we’re not going to find what we want elsewhere.  So do we really want to abandon what we have?
On the other hand, others of us see the writing on the wall: massive layoffs; increased government dependence; a loss of states’ rights in favor or federal control.         Oh, and we have another four years of Obama, and at least another two of a Democrat controlled Senate.  The real question is how much more damage can the country handle before it is irredeemable?  The next six months will likely provide us with an answer.  If the progressives are able to pass their agenda, it will likely be too late for America.  So we, as conservatives, have a job.  Right now, we are the minority.  We need to move across the aisle and salvage what we can of the left.  Not all democrats are progressives.  Not all democrats want the country to slip into socialism.  Some are actually very close to us but for a few social issues. If we can convince them of the true reality of progressivism, we may still have a chance.  If not, then we crybabies may just have to band together and leave.
On another note…the effects of Obamacare
I would like to applaud all of the boycotters of Applebee’s, Denny’s, Papa John’s, etc. for making a bad situation worse.  First of all, Papa John’s warned us months ago of what would happen if Obamacare came to fruition.  It’s not a surprise.  Companies do not exist for fun.  They exist to make money.  Money allows them to provide for their families.  It also allows them to pay taxes that provide for other peoples’ families. 
Regardless of how you feel about these corporations, you have to accept the fact that a decrease in cash flow will inevitably be passed down.  It’s not only huge corporations that are cutting hours and announcing layoffs, all companies that are subject to the requirements of Obamacare are facing the same decision, and when it comes to providing for their families or keeping extra workers around, decision makers will virtually always choose the former. 
Getting back to the point of all this, Obamacare is causing a decrease in revenue for companies.  A decrease in revenue for companies translates into a decrease in employees.  Boycotting these companies is not going to solve the problem, it’s just going to further result in a decrease in revenue.  On top of that, boycotting places like Applebee’s means that servers whose hours are being cut will have fewer tables to serve and therefore fewer tips.  The boycott is not honorable.  It is simply compounding a bad situation.

 Conservative Girl

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