Friday, October 26, 2012

This discovery made me sick!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one can deny the fact the administration knew prior to and during the attacks on the US Mission in Benghazi. This was a terrorist attack on US soil (all United States missions and embassies are US soil no matter where they are physically located). Calls for security were made to the White House at least three times and TWICE by the CIA. All were denied. NOT ONLY THAT but sources state the terrorists were directly armed BY this administration.

According to numerous sources, Obama directly sponsored an al qeada terrorist attack on the United States. Obama is guilty for the deaths of Ambassador Stevens, his staff and two Navy SEALs who came to assist, even after the administration told the SEALs to "stand down" inevitably guaranteeing their slaughter.

Charles Woods, father of one of the SEALs killed in the terrorist attack had this to say: "Those people who made the decision and who knew about the decision and lied about it are murderers of my son." That is correct Mr. Woods, Obama murdered your son and several others.

It has been clear and evident from the beginning Obama has unbridled, seething hatred for this country. Now he is directly responsible for the slaughter of a US Ambassador, his staff and two Navy SEALs. This is High Treason and it is time he is held accountable!