Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fl Amendments

 views on the Fl Amendments:
#1- YES (nothing more than a political message that we don't want Oabamacare)
#2- NO (this is a legislative issue and should not be a Constitutional ammend)
#3- YES (It restricts the ability of the state government to raise
taxes, issue licenses, fees, fines or charge for services
and limits the use of revenue received in excess of the
constitutional limitation)
#4- NO (this is a legislative issue and should not be a Constitutional ammend)
#5- YES (Amendment 5’s main
features include Senate confirmation
of the Governor’s nominees for the
Florida Supreme Court and more legislative
oversight over judicial rules)
#6- YES (prohibits gender-based abortions and federal funding for birth-control abortions...but it would not apply to expenditures
required by federal law, which include an abortion
to save the life of the mother or pregnancies
resulting from rape and incest)
#8- NO!!!!! (If passed, this amendment
would allow all faith-based entities, Churches,
Parishes, Synagogues, Mosques, all religions with no
exception, to receive government funding, without
discrimination. Is that how you want YOUR tax dollars
#9- NO (this is a legislative issue and should not be a Constitutional ammend)
#10- YES (Will help to stimulate business spending. When
paying less in taxes, we are better able to spend
more, increase jobs, and stimulating the economy.
Will also reduce the size of government by cutting
unnecessary programs and services)
#11- NO (this is a legislative issue and should not be a Constitutional ammend)
#12- NO (Sorry FSU...this is unnecessary) 

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